When Bronwyn was about ten, she wrote to Author Enid Blyton telling her she was going to be a writer too. She kept to her plan and that’s been her occupation since – she admits it’s a fair while now. Over that time she has been an advertising copywriter, freelancer, contract writer, editor, education writer, playwright, writing mentor and tutor, and an academic writer during the years she was also an academic.
Of the genres she has written – fiction, non-fiction, radio stories, articles, humour, books, short stories, plays, novels – she now most enjoys writing fiction. Short stories have always been a favourite, but currently she is having a renewed love affair with the form of the novel.
If Bronwyn is not at her keyboard in Auckland, the stunning New Zealand ‘City of Sails’, she’s likely to be feeding stray cats. When seen gazing in an abstract way she’ll either be plotting the next script or trying to calculate how many million words she has produced over her career.
You can also meet Bronwyn at -
* her website at http://www.flaxroots.com including her blog at http://www.flaxroots/blog
* follow her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/flaxrootsNZ
* follow her on Twitter at https://twitter.com/flaxroots
* Keep up with Bronwyn and other award winning authors at http://enovelauthorsatwork.com
* Sign up for eNovel Authors At work Newsletter. It will only land in your mailbox to tell you when books are on special, announce a book tour, giveaways and contests.
Summary of published creative works
* Every Five Minutes, e-book, fiction, novel
* Seventeen Seas, e-book, Creative Non-fiction
* Creedism - Religious Prejudice in New Zealand, Non-fiction, Nagare, 1995
* Te Kohititanga Marama - New Moon, New World, Non-fiction, Reed, 1998
* Mana From Heaven - A Century of Maori Prophets in New Zealand, Non-fiction, Reed, 1999 republished Libro International 2012
* Like Them That Dream - The Maori and the Old Testament, Non-fiction, Reed, 2000 republished Libro International 2011
* Religionz - A Guide to Religions in New Zealand, Non-fiction, Reed, 2006
* The Cats of Dipping Dell, Golden Press, 1979
* Which Shoes to Choose? Nelson-Price Milburn, 1989
* Will Wandafar - Writings of Bernard Teague, Nagare 2003
* Southern Edge - New writers from Manukau Counties, Writer in Manukau Libraries, 2006
* Short Stories published 30+
* Articles Approximately 160
* Children's Stories & Plays 10
* Broadcasts Approximately 40
* Plays Staged or Broadcast 11 (some have had multiple productions)
* Poetry Published 8
* Winner Christine Cole Catley Short Story Award 2013
* Winner, Franklin Writers Short Story competition 2011
* Winner of NZSA Auckland Short Story competition 2010
* Second Prize, PANZ competition for play, "Shells", 2006
* Winner International Writers Workshop short story competition 2003
* Winner of PANZ/Minolta Playwriting competition for "Rushton Roulette", 1999
* Doug Wren Award, Playwrights Association of New Zealand, 1997
* Winner of PANZ/Minolta Playwriting competition for "Celestial Pursuits", 1997
* Winner of PANZ competition for play, "Drought", 1992
* Winner of Phillips Cup for children's poetry, 1987
* Winner of Keith Henderson Award for Short Story, 1976
* Plus many smaller awards, and other placings.
* Member of NZ Women Writers' Society from 1974-1991
* Member of New Zealand Society of Authors/PEN NZ since 1984
* Chairperson Central Districts Branch PEN 1990-1992
* National Council PEN 1990-1992
* Member Playwrights Association of New Zealand since 1979
* National Executive Playwrights Association of New Zealand 1989-2011 Vice-President 1999-2006
* Teacher of Creative Writing
* Judge New Zealand Book Awards, non-fiction section, 1993
* Judge PANZ playwriting competition for full-length play, 2007
* Judge Thames Writers Short Story competition, 2007
* Judge Waitakere Writers Short Story competition, 2010
* Judge for several additional writing competitions
Writer in Residence Manukau Libraries
Senior Lecturer, Massey University
Freelance & Contract Writer
Teacher of Creative Writing
Education Writer, Bay of Plenty Times
Editor, Moana Press
Production Writer, Radio New Zealand
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