Judyth Vary Baker

Judyth Vary Baker

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BIOGRAPHY OF JUDYTH VARY BAKER Judyth Vary Baker (1943 - ) born South Bend, Indiana, is an American artist, writer, poet, and anthropologist with training in medical technology and forensics. Author of "Me & Lee: How I came to know, love and lose Lee Harvey Oswald," In Nov. 2019, Oliver Stone recommended "Me & Lee" at the 7th Annual JFK Assassination Conference in Dallas."David Ferrie: Mafia Pilot"--the first definitive biography on Ferrie - and her newest book "Kennedy & Oswald: the Big Picture" (with Edward Schwartz) complete her JFK-and-Oswald trilogy. The futuristic "Letters to the Cyborgs" -- science fiction stories based on today's inventions and the AI crisis, include a short story written by Lee Oswald. Baker, the founder of the annual JFK Assassination Conference and of JFK Conferences, LLC, has opened a museum in Sweden for Europeans to learn more. Recent secret file releases and new witnesses continue emerge that link her to Oswald in New Orleans and Dallas. EARLY LIFE: Judyth, the daughter of electrical engineer Donald Vary and of Gloria Whiting, whose mother was born in Hungary, was 16 when she invented a superior method to obtain magnesium from seawater: through interviews at the International Science Fair, she captured the attention of the CIA, scientists and biochemists when they learned of her cancer research projects, which were being supported by retired military officer and physicist Col. Phillip Doyle and the Florida Suncoast American Cancer Society. Her dream was to cure cancer after her beloved Hungarian grandmother, Anna Nemith Whiting, died of breast cancer in 1954. Judyth's further work in cancer research attracted national attention and widespread support, culminating in the 17-yr-old's inducing lung cancer in mice in only 7 days, using tobacco aerosols and radiation - a feat that had not been accomplished, at the time, in the nation's top laboratories. Newspaper articles chronicled her work, which was investigated, then mentored, by three doctors noted for their crusades linking cancer to tobacco products: Dr. Alton Ochsner of Ochsner Clinic, Dr. Harold Diehl (Vice President of Research, American Cancer Society), and Dr. George Moore, Director of Roswell Park Institute for Cancer Research. These doctors, who had campaigned together against smoking, as well as Nobel Prize winners Dr. Harold Urey and Sir Robert Robinson, gave Judyth assistance and training, with a focus on melanoma and cancer viruses. Newspaper articles described their long-term assignment for Judyth was "to make the cancer more deadly..." The argument was that enhancing cancer growth could be a key to controlling it. After nearly two years of training at Roswell Park Institute, in laboratories in Indiana, and at the University of Florida, Judyth was invited by Dr. Ochsner to New Orleans to work with noted cancer specialist and surgeon Dr. Mary S. Sherman, having been promised early entry into Tulane Medical School. However, it was the height of the Cold War and Judyth was being steered into a biological warfare project aimed to eliminate Cuba's Fidel Castro, directed by Ochsner, whose organization, INCA, was famed for its anti-communist zeal. Author Edward T. Haslam has linked a linear particle accelerator to the project headed by Drs. Ochsner and Sherman, through a detailed study of Dr. Sherman's brutal, unsolved murder on July 21, 1964, the day the Warren Commission came to New Orleans for testimonies. In 1963, Judyth had met Lee Harvey Oswald, who posed as pro-Castro to help protect the project from Castro's spies. A love affair commenced that ended November 22, when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Lee, a CIA operative working with the FBI, and deeply embroiled in efforts to try to save Kennedy (now supported by witness Abraham Bolden and FBI files)was falsely accused of the deed. Shot after only 47 hours in custody by Mafia bagman and nightclub owner Jack Ruby, JFK and Lee were buried the same day, leaving Judyth broken-hearted and terrified as to her own fate. Judyth says she was ejected from the project to kill Castro weeks earlier because of her ethical objections to use one or more prisoners -- so-clled "volunteers" to test the deadly, SV-40 derived cancer bio-weapon. "They wouldn't have volunteered to be tested for something that would kill them, if it was successful," she states. Forced to return to Florida, Judyth, in whom newspaper were still interested, was placed in a high-end chemistry laboratory, Peninsular ChemResearch, to temporarily hide her being "blackballed" from cancer research. She was then forced to leave the field altogether. Judyth says she and Lee kept in touch after her return to Florida, and that they planned to divorce (both had unhappy marriages), but first, Lee had to deliver the material, now successfully tested, to a contact in Mexico City. When the contact failed to show, Lee tried to enter Cuba himself with the material, though he then suspected he had been lured to Mexico City to associate him with the Russians and Cubans. "He felt he was getting trapped," Judyth said. "Lee was not stupid." Bitter over being banned from cancer research, and their plans to marry delayed when Lee, against his wishes, was ordered back to Dallas, Judyth was devastated when she saw him shot on live TV. Judyth says Lee Oswald was part of an "abort team" that he described to her only 37 ½ hours before Kennedy's assassination. When Baker told researcher Jim Marrs about the "abort team" in late 1999 or early 2000, at this time only a handful of insiders knew of its existence. Marrs, after investigating her thoroughly, wrote the Afterword for her book "Me and Lee." Witnesses and a mass of documents and records support Judyth's statements. She describes herself as a "Crusader" working to clear Lee of a crime he didn't commit, and to reveal the cancer treatment industry's crimes. "They could have cured cancer decades ago--but that would have ruined their cash cow" she declares. Due to death threats as a whistler-blower, Judyth was forced to live overseas, though she returns periodically to continue her crusade. "Almost everything you've been told about Lee Oswald by the government is false," she states. "Lee actually saved Kennedy's life in Chicago. The full truth is in my book Me & Lee. The whole world is now learning the truth." A History Channel documentary "The Love Affair" (2003- banned for its controversial content after objections from the Lyndon Johnson's family and friends) is available on YouTube. One of Judyth's witnesses, Anna Lewis, is also on YouTube, verifying Judyth's love affair with Lee Oswald. "Me & Lee: How I came to know, love and lose Lee Harvey Oswald" (Trine day, 2010) is in hardcover, paperback, kindle,audio book, and is to be published in Spanish. "David Ferrie: Mafia Pilot (Trine Day, 2014)" is about one of the most important and mysterious of JFK assassination suspects ("He saved my life," Judyth says of Ferrie). "Kennedy and Oswald: the Big Picture" (with Edward Schwartz) compiles the best facts with latest secret record releases and Judyth's personal information into a single volume. Her science fiction short story collection, "Letters to the Cyborgs" includes a short story written by Lee Oswald. As a result of her many appearances on TV, radio, in documentaries, and the Internet, Judyth has many supporters who, she says "now understand how they've been lied to by the government--and they want justice for John F. Kennedy, for Lee Oswald, and for those who suffer from cancer. I want everybody to know that the government weaponized cancer back in 1963, that the government has patented cures for cancer--but cancer treatment is such a profitable industry that a cure for cancer is always last in line for funding." Judyth states that Lee, a former fake defector to the USSR, was sent to New Orleans to work with the FBI in anti-Castro activities; loaned to the CIA from the Office of Naval Intelligence, Lee protected Judyth (she was an asset) and reported on the cancer project "...being developed to kill Castro, whose death by a weaponized form of lung cancer would be called a 'death by natural causes,' All previous methods tried by the CIA had failed." Lee's job was to identify pro-Castro spies in New Orleans. His "pro-Castro activities," Judyth says, "were to make him look like a harmless pro-Castro fool." Judyth joins former Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden in confirming that Oswald was the informant named "Lee" who saved Kennedy's life in Chicago three weeks prior to the assassination. "I spoke of Lee's attempts to save JFK a decade before Abraham's story reached the public," she says. "Lee also told me the name of the Op to kill JFK was called "The Big Event" which I reported in the History Channel documentary, "The Love Affair" in 2003, several years before the CIA's Howard Hunt used the same term in a secret tape recording that finally reached the public. Besides original witnesses verifying her relationship with Lee Oswald on tape, by letters, and on film, by 2017, more witnesses had emerged, along with released secret records verifying formerly unproven events and statements in her 2010 book. Those defending the Warren Commission's conclusions, which Baker calls "an obsolete failure and an odious obstruction of justice for both Kennedy and Oswald," spread altered emails and smears against her character when she first spoke out. "I can't live in my country because of them: I was harmed four times," she states. "After moving overseas, trips to the hospital for head, back and neck injuries finally stopped." The "accidents" also seriously damaged Judyth's vision. "In 2017, 125 people donated money to save my left eye,"she says. "I'm so grateful for such kindness!" In 2000 Baker was nearly filmed three times by Sixty Minutes in a 14-month investigation that Sixty Minutes' founder, Don Hewitt, said was the most expensive investigation in the history of the program at that time. He stated to C-Span that "the door was slammed in our faces." But then Judyth flew to meet Gerry Hemming, a legendary name in Kennedy assassination research. After she gave Hemming "insider information" about his own life that had not been published, Judyth says, "he was impressed so much that he asked British documentary maker Nigel Turner to film me." "The Love Affair" [Episode 8: "The Men Who Killed Kennedy"] was aired by The History Channel in Nov. 2003, but Baker's living witnesses were excluded. Episode 9 ["The Guilty Men"] quickly generated lawsuit threats from former Pres. Lyndon Johnson's widow, and two former Presidents: all three new episodes [7-8-9] were quickly banned, and The History Channel apologized to the Johnsons. Over the next few years, all of the other segments of The Men Who Killed Kennedy filmed by Turner, which had aired for over a decade on the History Channel, were also removed. "Mr. Turner has now vanished," Judyth said. "He's obviously been told to shut up. This happens to many brave souls who dare reveal the truth." In 2012, a 3-act play by noted playwright Lisa Soland ["The Sniper's Nest"], based on "Me & Lee," began production in the United States and overseas. In 2014, Me & Lee was issued as an audiobook. Judyth, who has lived mostly overseas since 2003 due to death threats, has been hosted by supporters in nation-wide book tours in 2011, 2012 and 2013. In 2014, she was asked to host and direct The JFK Assassination Conference (held in Dallas/Arlington Nov. 22-23-24), which was financed by numerous donations from supporters. Judyth's poetry is collected into two books: When the Clouds Came Flying By (for children) and A Dangerous Thing to Do (both available on Kindle) She was co-author of a three-act play [Castles in the Sky, with John MacLean] for the Texas regional LDS Sesquicentennial. She also composes music. In 1976, Judyth's name was one of those placed on the Bicentennial Monument in Stafford, TX for civic service. Her oil and mixed-media paintings, logos and lithographs sell worldwide. Judyth eloped with Robert A. Baker, III to Mobile, Alabama in May of 1963, which she regretted almost at once, since he then virtually abandoned her for weeks at a time. However, she rermained with hi after Osswald was shot and killed. They had five children between 1968-1978: Baker says David Ferrie "warned me not to speak of what I knew, if I wished to stay alive. I was told to be 'a vanilla girl.'" She thus remained silent for 35 years. When Baker's last child left home Dec. 26, 1998. she began writing a series of letters for her son to publish. "I felt guilty," she says, "after seeing the film 'JFK.' I had promised Lee I would tell his children the truth about him. I had to do it." Since then, Judyth has continued to gain support as researchers meet her and familiarize themselves with her account. Today, Judyth lives in various countries overseas. "I regret that I haven't been able to be a good grandma and great-grandma," she says. "Some of my family has not forgiven me for speaking out." Judyth is currently working on three more books - one about Lee Harvey Oswald's writings (Tentative Title: The Mind of Lee Harvey Oswald --Trine Day, 2020) one about her close friend, Lt. Col. Dan Marvin [a Green Beret who worked as an assassin for the CIA] and a third book about social systems and linguistics (The SSC/ssc). She is the coauthor of "Kennedy & Oswald: The Big Picture, with Edward Schwartz (Trine Day, 2017). Judyth is the founder of JFK Conferences, LLC, seeking non-profit status. She founded and hosts the JFK Assassination Conference and has taken responsibility to continue the traditional Kennedy Remembrance Ceremony at Dealy Plaza, with a period of silence observed, which has been held every Nov. 22 at 12:30 for decades. "Lee Oswald's name must be cleared," Judyth says, "to get justice for Kennedy. Then, we must wake up the public to ban biological warfare and to demand a real cure for cancer that doesn't involve expensive --and often useless-- chemotherapy." Judyth can be contacted on Facebook at "Judyth Baker," by writing to jfkconference@yahoo.com, or by writing Trine Day Publishers.
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