Mehreen Ahmed

Mehreen Ahmed

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Mehreen Ahmed is a Bangladeshi born Australian novelist.Her novels have been acclaimed/recognised by Midwest Book Review_"A deftly crafted and consistently entertaining novel, "The Pacifist" reveals Australian author Mehreen Ahmed's exceptional flair for narrative storytelling and compellingly memorable characters. Original, compelling, skillfully written from cover to cover, "The Pacifist" is very highly recommended.."; it is also, a Drunken Druid Editor's Choice.She has authored eleven books and over four hundred shorts. Her books/shorts have won prestigious awards and contests. Some of them were translated into Greek,German,Bangla/Bengali. Publications/Forthcoming BendingGenre,Boudin:McNeese State University,Cambridge University Press,University of Hawaii Press,Michigan State University Press,Chiron Literary Review,Perception Magazine:Syracuse University,Straylight Magazine:Wisconsin-Parkland University,VisualVerse,The Talon Review:North Florida Univeristy,Metachrosis Literary:Dundee University,Bitterleaf Books:YSJ University,Coffin Bell,ISTE,Call-ej,University of Kent Press,The Sheaf:University of Saskatoon,Jimson Weed UVA,AntopideanSF, Centaur Literature,Aphelion: A website of science fiction and fantasy,BlazeVOX,Journal of Expressive Writing,Popshot Quarterly,Hoot Review,Shorts Magazine,Writer's Digest:Six Sentences,In Literary Review_new Modernism,IceFloe Press,Litro Magazine UK,Mr Bull,Gone Lawn,Otoliths,BeZine,Atherton Review,Muse India,RIC Journal,Ethel Zine,Olney Magazine,Alternate Route,The Gorko Gazette,The Wise Owl,Shakespear's sonnet reimagined,WordCityLit,Mōtus Audāx Press,KNOT Magazine,The Antonym,Insignia 2022 Best Asian Speculative Fiction Anthology,The Hennepin Review, Decolonial passage,Literary Heist,Mad Swirl,Alien Buddha Press,Rogue Agent Journal:Sundress Publications,October Hill Magazine,Synchronised Chaos,Oddball Magazine,Panorama:The Journal of Travel, Place, and Nature,Pine Cone Review,Noctivagant Press,Coin-Operated Press,Connotation Press,Door is A Jar,ELJ Scissors and Spackle,The Chamber Magazine,Flash Boulevard,Five Minutes,Chewers and Masticadores,Quail Bell,Ponder Savant,ShabdAaweg Review,Phenomenal Literature,Crêpe & Penn,The Bayou Review,Flash Frontier,Ellipsis Zine,Ginosko#24#29#30,Brown Bag,The Cabinet of Heed,Sequoyah Cherokee River Journal,Melbourne Culture Corner,Prosetrics,Literati Magazine,The Global Youth Literary Review,Active Muse,Litmora Literary Magazine,Ayaksala,Anti-Heroin Chic,Love in the time of Covid Chronicle,Unpublished Platform,Wellington Street Review,Nailpolish Stories,Setu,Impspired Magazine,The Writers and Readers'Magazine,Empyrean Literary Magazine,WINK,Mono,KREAXXXION Review,Thorn Literary Magazine,3 Moon Magazine,Merak Magazine,Sage Cigarettes,All Existing,The Bombay Review,FlashBack Fiction,Down in the Dirt,CC&D,Nymphs,Portand Metrozine,Academy of Heart and Mind,Mojave Heart,The Piker Press,Kitaab,Nthanda,CommuterLit,Angel City Review,Paper Djinn,FreeFlashFiction,Cafe Dissensus,Adelaide Literary Magazine,Scarlet Leaf Review,Terror House Magazine,The Punch Magazine,Furtive Dalliance,Flash Fiction North,Bridge House,Cosmic Teapot,The Hooghly Review,The Chakker and more. Contests/Awards/Accolades Awards/Nominations/Recognitions/Accolades Winner Drunken Druid's Editor's Choice2017/The Pacifist First Place_Academy of the Heart and Mind,May Flowers Contest2022/The Phases of the Moon Waterloo Writing Competition May2020/Dolly Ayaskala Literary Magazine2023/Rain and Coffee Cabinet-of-Heed Stream-of-Consciousness Challenge April2020Drawer Four/Black Mirror Author Shout Reader Ready Silver Award/2019 for fiction/The Pacifist Nominations Best Small Fictions/The Stretch2025 (Boudin) Five Best of the Net: Interlude2020 (Literati Magazine) Lungs2020 (Free Flash Fiction) Ylem2020 (Portland Metrozine) Number Ninety-Four2025 (The Decolonising Passage) Of the Blue Evening2025 (The Gorko Gazette) Pushcart/Ylem2020 (Paper Djinn Press) James Tait Black Prize for fiction2021/Gatherings (Bridge House Publication) Bestofs EthelZine/Dead-Fly/2024 Alien Buddha/The Script, 2024/River of Melted Chocolate/2023 Gorko Gazette/OfThe Blue Evening, 2023 Mad Swirl/Space/Vape/City Smell/In Stillness/The Lament, 2023/24 CafeLit8_Writer's Choice/Bats Downunder/2019 Finalist Fourth Adelaide Literary Award contest,February/Flower Girl, 2020 Honourable Mention Weavers of Words contest Unpublished Platform Silent Bleat/2022 Milestone Selection Alien Buddha2023/Deep well Special Collector's Edition Popshot Quarterly 41:2023/River of Melted Chocolate Special Editon More... Audio Books The Pacifist,2017 Peeking Cat Literary-Chasing a Dream,Dec 2021 SweetyCat Press-Rain and Coffee,Sept 2020 FlashBackFiction-East Bengal 1971,May 2020 Reedsy sponsored Shortstoryreader-Juliet's Song,Sept 2021 Flash Fiction Frontier-Blue,Grey and Lavender,June 2020 The Archer-Jingwei,Feb 2022 Talks Radical Books and Politics with Dr.Maria Estrada,2021 Boomers on Books with Vince Stevenson,2021 Siren Radio with Steve Cawte University of Lincoln, 2021 Trisha Mckee,2020
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