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Your Guide to Conflict Resolution
- Practical Strategies for Navigating Conflict with Confidence
- Written by: Nathaniel Hart
- Narrated by: Laura Greaves
- Length: 2 hrs and 16 mins
- Unabridged
This book provides a comprehensive and practical guide to conflict resolution, designed to empower you with the skills and strategies necessary to navigate disagreements effectively in all areas of your life. Whether you’re facing challenges in personal relationships, workplace dynamics, or everyday interactions, this book offers a framework for understanding, approaching, and resolving conflicts constructively.
Your Guide to Conflict Resolution
- Practical Strategies for Navigating Conflict with Confidence
- Narrated by: Laura Greaves
- Length: 2 hrs and 16 mins
- Release Date: 20-12-24
- Language: English
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Regular price: ₹187.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹187.00 or 1 Credit
الزواج السعيد في ظل المودة والرحمة [Happy Marriage in the Light of Affection and Compassion]
- Written by: محمد زكريا المسعود
- Narrated by: جمال الشبينى
- Length: 16 hrs and 8 mins
- Unabridged
قد اطلعت أخيرًا على كتاب بعنوان: (الزواج السعيد في ظل المودة والرحمة) صنفه أخ حبيب، بأسلوب بارع حصيف، جمع فيه نفحات النبوة الكريمة في النصائح التي تخص قيام الأسرة واستمرارها ومعالجة مشكلاتها، بطريقة تقربها للأذهان، وتحببها إلى القلوب، مسندة إلى المصادر الموثوقة، وزينّه بتجاربه الناجحة عبر سني حــياته الطـويلة التي قـضاها في الفتوى وحل مشكلات الناس الأسرية وغيرها، فجاء - بحمد االله تعالى - سفراً نادراً، وبحثاً متعمقاً في موضوعه، يتضمن النواحي الشرعية والاجتماعية
الزواج السعيد في ظل المودة والرحمة [Happy Marriage in the Light of Affection and Compassion]
- Narrated by: جمال الشبينى
- Length: 16 hrs and 8 mins
- Release Date: 19-12-24
- Language: Arabic
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Regular price: ₹398.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹398.00 or 1 Credit
Remember Me as Human
- What Three Final Days with My Grandmother Wanda Taught Me About Truly Living
- Written by: Lucy Walsh
- Narrated by: Lucy Walsh
- Length: 5 hrs and 52 mins
- Unabridged
This is the story, much of it conveyed in Wanda's inimitable voice, of Wanda's ninety-seven-year-long life, encompassing everything from her English ancestors to the residents in her nursing home. Through Lucy's candid questions and Wanda's soulful stories, we are swept up into one family's legacy that transports readers right into their own experiences and memories of family.
Remember Me as Human
- What Three Final Days with My Grandmother Wanda Taught Me About Truly Living
- Narrated by: Lucy Walsh
- Length: 5 hrs and 52 mins
- Release Date: 20-12-24
- Language: English
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Regular price: ₹351.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹351.00 or 1 Credit
101 Tolais (Spanish Edition)
- Los hombres se enamoran de lo que ven, las mujeres de lo que escuchan [Men Fall in Love with What they See; Women Fall in Love with What they Hear]
- Written by: Pilar Zazoo
- Narrated by: Tania V. Cózar
- Length: 4 hrs and 49 mins
- Unabridged
101 Tolais es una divertidísima e interesante obra en la que la autora, una "soltera semientera" encantada de serlo, hace un ocurrente y brillante recorrido por el mundo de las conquistas y de las relaciones de pareja, con una capacidad reflexiva y un sentido del humor arrollador. El gen Tolai existe, por lo que es una línea muy fina la que separa un hombre o una mujer "normal" de un espécimen "tarado". Al contrario de lo que pasa en los cuentos, donde besas a la rana y se convierte en príncipe, en la vida real el príncipe o la princesa se
101 Tolais (Spanish Edition)
- Los hombres se enamoran de lo que ven, las mujeres de lo que escuchan [Men Fall in Love with What they See; Women Fall in Love with What they Hear]
- Narrated by: Tania V. Cózar
- Length: 4 hrs and 49 mins
- Release Date: 20-12-24
- Language: spanish
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Regular price: ₹469.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹469.00 or 1 Credit
- 23 1/2 ehrliche Mama-Momente von einer, die im selben Boot sitzt … und Chips & Schokolade dabeihat
- Written by: Anke Neckar
- Narrated by: Anke Neckar
- Length: 4 hrs
- Unabridged
Ehrlich und unperfekt – ein Wohlfühlbuch für Mütter! Anke Neckar weiß aus eigener Erfahrung, dass die Überlastungen im Mama-Alltag nur noch getoppt werden von dem Gefühl, damit alleine zu sein. Das Hörbuch ist ein Plädoyer dafür, ehrlich auszusprechen, wenn uns Mütter etwas überfordert, unsere Akkus leersaugt und unsere Herzen schwer macht. Sie unterzieht 20 typische Mama-Momente aus dem Alltag einem schonungslosen Realitätscheck und spricht ehrlich und humorvoll über Herausforderungen des Mutter-Seins, die viel zu oft unterschätzt werden. Den anderen geht es genauso!
- 23 1/2 ehrliche Mama-Momente von einer, die im selben Boot sitzt … und Chips & Schokolade dabeihat
- Narrated by: Anke Neckar
- Length: 4 hrs
- Release Date: 21-12-24
- Language: german
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Regular price: ₹501.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹501.00 or 1 Credit
Cuando mamá lastima [When Mom Hurts]
- Relatos de perdón para hijos con el corazón herido [Stories of Forgiveness for Children With Wounded Hearts]
- Written by: Rayo Guzmán
- Narrated by: Pilar Corral
- Length: 5 hrs and 28 mins
- Unabridged
El vínculo amoroso e imperfecto que tenemos con nuestra madre se convierte en el estambre con que tejemos historias agridulces a lo largo de nuestra existencia. Todos hemos tenido una madre con una historia personal específica, única, imperfecta, que tal vez nos ha lastimado con conciencia o sin ella. Cuentan las historias del ser que quien armoniza el vínculo con su madre se ha reconciliado con su vida en plenitud.
Cuando mamá lastima [When Mom Hurts]
- Relatos de perdón para hijos con el corazón herido [Stories of Forgiveness for Children With Wounded Hearts]
- Narrated by: Pilar Corral
- Length: 5 hrs and 28 mins
- Release Date: 20-12-24
- Language: spanish
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Regular price: ₹586.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹586.00 or 1 Credit
Enfants de manipulateurs
- Written by: Christel Petitcollin
- Narrated by: Christel Petitcollin
- Length: 8 hrs and 58 mins
- Unabridged
Comment les protéger ? Quand on est manipulateur, on l'est avec tout le monde : sa famille, son conjoint, ses voisins, ses collègues, la police, la justice... Alors, par quel miracle ne le serait-on pas avec ses enfants ? Bien qu'il se vante partout d'être un excellent parent, le parent manipulateur est un usurpateur. Il ne développera jamais les compétences parentales indispensables pour que l'enfant se construise : amour inconditionnel, protection, cadre sécurisant, écoute et permissions.
Enfants de manipulateurs
- Narrated by: Christel Petitcollin
- Length: 8 hrs and 58 mins
- Release Date: 20-12-24
- Language: French
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Regular price: ₹946.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹946.00 or 1 Credit
Der Vater spricht
- Aus dem Meer der familiären Freuden
- Written by: Robert Neubert
- Narrated by: Robert Neubert
- Length: 5 hrs and 32 mins
- Unabridged
Der Vater spricht...über die Reste seines Lebens in einer siebenköpfigen Familie. Wir begleiten ihn in den Alltag am Kind, bis tief in seine Nächte, in Räume bodenloser Verzweiflung und in seltene Augenblicke der freudvollen Kompetenz. Er spricht über sein Scheitern in einer Welt aus Schreien, Ausscheidungen und Patchwork. Trotz der Abgründigkeit der Erlebnisse lädt der Text ausgiebig zum Schmunzeln ein, bietet er doch jedem männlichen Leser die identifikatorische Erkenntnis, dass es ihm im Lichte dieses Vaters ausgesprochen gut geht.
Der Vater spricht
- Aus dem Meer der familiären Freuden
- Narrated by: Robert Neubert
- Length: 5 hrs and 32 mins
- Release Date: 20-12-24
- Language: german
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Regular price: ₹502.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹502.00 or 1 Credit
مهارات التعامل مع الخلافات [Conflict Handling Skills]
- Written by: د. ربيع حسن
- Narrated by: هشام عبدالموجود
- Length: 3 hrs and 16 mins
- Unabridged
إنَّ الدافع وراء تأليف كتابٍ كهذا هو اختلافُ الناس فى أنماطهم الشخصية، وفي احتياجاتهم وميولهم، هذا الاختلاف الذي يجعل من حدوث الخلافات بين الأفراد والجماعات، أمرًا منطقيًّا. ولكن أن تتطور تلك الخلافات إلى درجة تؤدى إلى استحالة التوافق وصعوبة العيش على وفاقٍ، أو التعايش ولكن على مضض، هو ما ليس منطقيا بالمرة.
مهارات التعامل مع الخلافات [Conflict Handling Skills]
- Narrated by: هشام عبدالموجود
- Length: 3 hrs and 16 mins
- Release Date: 19-12-24
- Language: Arabic
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Regular price: ₹187.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹187.00 or 1 Credit
القواعد العشر [The Ten Rules]
- Written by: أ.د عبدالكريم بكار
- Narrated by: محمود ربيعي
- Length: 2 hrs and 41 mins
- Unabridged
التربية عملية ممتعة جدًا وشاقة جدًا، وإن جزءًا من مشقتها ينبع من أننا نشعر بالمعاناة، ونشعر أننا نضحّي ونبذل، ولكن لا نلمس آثار ذلك في شخصيات الأبناء وسلوكياتهم، وهنا أود أن أذكّر بما ذكره أحد الباحثين عن شجرة البامبو الصينية، حيث إنها تظل بعد وضع البذور نحوًا من أربع سنوات تضرب بجذورها الليفية في الأرض، ولايرى منها سوى برعم صغير ينبت من البصلة، وفي السنة الخامسة يصل.
القواعد العشر [The Ten Rules]
- Narrated by: محمود ربيعي
- Length: 2 hrs and 41 mins
- Release Date: 19-12-24
- Language: Arabic
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Regular price: ₹187.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹187.00 or 1 Credit
هل تلبسين هذا ؟ نحو فهم الأمهات والبنات [Are You Wearing This? Towards Understanding Mothers and Daughters]
- Written by: ديبوره تانن
- Narrated by: غادة الطبيب
- Length: 10 hrs and 42 mins
- Unabridged
من الكتب العميقة التي ناقشت خلافات الأمهات والبنات، حول اللباس والشعر والوزن والبيت والأطفال والكلام، قصص وطرائف وملاحظات وتحليلات تعالج أنماط حياة الأسرة فيها جرأة وتحليل وصراحة تحتاجها الأم والبنت في أي موقف وعمر.
هل تلبسين هذا ؟ نحو فهم الأمهات والبنات [Are You Wearing This? Towards Understanding Mothers and Daughters]
- Narrated by: غادة الطبيب
- Length: 10 hrs and 42 mins
- Release Date: 19-12-24
- Language: Arabic
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Regular price: ₹375.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹375.00 or 1 Credit
ابن زمانِه [Son of His Time]
- Written by: أ.د عبدالكريم بكار
- Narrated by: محمد براء حمزة
- Length: 3 hrs and 44 mins
- Unabridged
مع كثرة المتغيرات التقنية والاجتماعية وغيرها، بات من المهم الاستعداد أكثر للتربية ومن الاستعداد أن يربي الآباء والأمهات ابناؤهم ليعيشوا بشكل جيد في زمانهم. ابن زمانه، كتاب يقدم أفكار تربوية عالية بأسلوب مفهوم تهدف لتوفير تربية رشيدة للأطفال. ويقدم أيضًا مجموعة من التنبؤات والتصورات للمستقبل وكيف يمكن أن نعد طفل لهذا المستقبل.
ابن زمانِه [Son of His Time]
- Narrated by: محمد براء حمزة
- Length: 3 hrs and 44 mins
- Release Date: 19-12-24
- Language: Arabic
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Regular price: ₹187.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹187.00 or 1 Credit
مطلوب حبيب [Lover Wanted]
- Written by: محمد إبراهيم
- Narrated by: مصطفي خضر
- Length: 2 hrs and 16 mins
- Unabridged
الأشياء التي تجعلنا نكبر يمكنها أن تجعلنا نصغر .. الأمر كله رهن ٌبحكمة التجربة.. الحُبُّ الذي لا يكسرك يقويك، والألم الذي يهدّك يبنيك.. نحن مجموعة من التجارب نبتت في أرض أهلكها التخبُّط.. كل ما علينا فعله أن ندّخِر لأوقات الوحدة بعضاً من الوَنَس، وللحظات الاكتئاب قليلاً من الأمل، ولحالات الحزن كل ما يمكننا من المثابرة.. ولكل الأيام الكثير من الإيمان.. ربما يمكننا النجاة بأنفسنا وبمن نحب.
مطلوب حبيب [Lover Wanted]
- Narrated by: مصطفي خضر
- Length: 2 hrs and 16 mins
- Release Date: 17-12-24
- Language: Arabic
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Regular price: ₹187.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹187.00 or 1 Credit
Alte Eltern:
- Über das Kümmern und die Zeit, die uns bleibt
- Written by: Volker Kitz
- Narrated by: Olaf Pessler
- Length: 5 hrs and 48 mins
- Unabridged
Was bedeutet es, wenn die Eltern alt werden? Bestsellerautor Volker Kitz erzählt in seinem literarischen Essay die Geschichte seines Vaters und erkundet an ihr exemplarisch, wie sich familiäre Verantwortung verschiebt, wenn Eltern alt werden. Sein Buch berührt die Gefühle und Fragen einer ganzen Generation. "Bleibt bei mir", bittet der Vater seine zwei Söhne, als die Erinnerung ihn verlässt. Bis dahin war Erinnerung für Volker Kitz kein Thema. Sie funktionierte, der Vater funktionierte, die Familie funktionierte. Doch eines Tages verunglückt die Mutter, und das Schicksal nimmt seinen Lauf.
Alte Eltern:
- Über das Kümmern und die Zeit, die uns bleibt
- Narrated by: Olaf Pessler
- Length: 5 hrs and 48 mins
- Release Date: 19-12-24
- Language: german
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Regular price: ₹233.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹233.00 or 1 Credit
Love Warrior (Romanian Edition)
- Written by: Glennon Doyle, Iuliana Dumitrescu - Traducător, Răzvan Andrei - Traducător
- Narrated by: Silva Helena Schmidt
- Length: 7 hrs and 41 mins
- Unabridged
DESPRE AUDIOBOOK: A avut o copilărie nefericită, iar în adolescenţă a descoperit refugiul în alcool, droguri şi mâncatul în exces. Apoi, când l-a întalnit pe chipeşul Craig şi au întemeiat o familie, a simţit cum renaşte, cum îşi lasă în urmă trecutul şi îşi descoperă sinele autentic. Dar nimic n-a pregătit-o pentru cosmarul în care urma să se transforme viaţa ei când a primit vestea că a fost tradată de cel pe care îl iubea. Deşi tot mai multe voci se ridică împotriva discriminării, continuăm, de cele mai multe ori incoşntient, să ne construim imaginea după cea impusă de societate.
Love Warrior (Romanian Edition)
- Narrated by: Silva Helena Schmidt
- Length: 7 hrs and 41 mins
- Release Date: 17-12-24
- Language: Romanian
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Regular price: ₹233.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹233.00 or 1 Credit
¡Quiero entenderte!
- Claves para comprender y manejar (de forma positiva) el nuevo paradigma de la adolescencia
- Written by: Diana Al Azem
- Narrated by: Ana Conca
- Length: 5 hrs and 1 min
- Unabridged
¿Por qué se enfada tanto? ¿Cuándo empezó a volverse narcisista? ¿Qué puedo hacer frente a su impulsividad o su parsimonia? ¿Cuántas veces, desde que tu retoño se ha convertido en adolescente y se ha sumido en un mar de contradicciones, te has dicho "no lo entiendo, necesito un manual de instrucciones"? ¡¡¡Diana Al Azem tiene la solución!!! Su libro es el traductor universal padres-adolescentes / adolescentes-padres, con las claves que nos explican, ante los conflictos del día a día, cómo actuar y responder para lograr no solo entenderlos, sino la tan ansiada paz familiar.
¡Quiero entenderte!
- Claves para comprender y manejar (de forma positiva) el nuevo paradigma de la adolescencia
- Narrated by: Ana Conca
- Length: 5 hrs and 1 min
- Release Date: 18-12-24
- Language: spanish
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Regular price: ₹268.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹268.00 or 1 Credit
Raising Resilient Black Kids
- A Parent's Guide to Helping Children Cope with Racial Stress, Manage Emotions, and Thrive
- Written by: Erlanger A. Turner PhD, Jeffrey Gardere PhD - afterword, Thema Bryant PhD - foreword
- Narrated by: Mirron Willis
- Length: 4 hrs and 35 mins
- Unabridged
Has your child experienced racial aggression, bullying, or harassment? Have they ever asked you why they are treated differently? If so, you are not alone. Discrimination and racism in society are a constant stressor and painful topic of conversation for many Black families. In this much-needed resource for parents of Black children, race and mental health expert Erlanger Turner combines evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) skills with mindfulness and liberation psychology to help your kids cope with race-based stress, challenge systemic oppression and marginalization, and thrive.
Raising Resilient Black Kids
- A Parent's Guide to Helping Children Cope with Racial Stress, Manage Emotions, and Thrive
- Narrated by: Mirron Willis
- Length: 4 hrs and 35 mins
- Release Date: 17-12-24
- Language: English
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Regular price: ₹305.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹305.00 or 1 Credit
Conversations on Love (Italian Edition)
- Amanti, sconosciuti, genitori, amici, inizi, fini
- Written by: Natasha Lunn
- Narrated by: Emanuela Cardani
- Length: 9 hrs and 41 mins
- Unabridged
"Pensavo di desiderare l'amore, ma mi sbagliavo. Ero ossessionata dall'idea dell'amore, non dalla sua verità. Tutti quegli anni e quelle notti passate a chiedermi: 'Quando troverò l'amore?'. Ma non mi ero mai fermata a riflettere su cosa fosse di preciso. Nel 2017, dopo aver convissuto per anni con la sensazione di non riuscire mai a innamorarsi veramente, Natasha Lunn ha deciso di inaugurare una newsletter - intitolata, appunto, Conversations on Love e che ha saputo conquistare fin da subito numerosissimi lettori.
Conversations on Love (Italian Edition)
- Amanti, sconosciuti, genitori, amici, inizi, fini
- Narrated by: Emanuela Cardani
- Length: 9 hrs and 41 mins
- Release Date: 18-12-24
- Language: italian
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Regular price: ₹497.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹497.00 or 1 Credit
Yes, Your Kid
- What Parents Need to Know About Today's Teens and Sex
- Written by: Debby Herbenick PhD, Kristina W. Supler Esq., Susan C. Stone Esq.
- Narrated by: Coleen Marlo
- Length: 9 hrs and 31 mins
- Unabridged
Too often, parents wear blinders when it comes to the sex lives of their children. They hear the statistics—how 80% of college students have engaged in rough sex or how one in four teens have sent or received a sext—and think, "Not my kid." Yes, Your Kid is the reality check parents need about what sex is like today—so they can better educate and support their tweens, teens, and college students.
Yes, Your Kid
- What Parents Need to Know About Today's Teens and Sex
- Narrated by: Coleen Marlo
- Length: 9 hrs and 31 mins
- Release Date: 17-12-24
- Language: English
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Regular price: ₹469.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹469.00 or 1 Credit
Together with Christ: A Dating Couples Devotional
- 52 Devotions and Bible Studies to Nurture Your Relationship
- Written by: Chelsea Damon
- Narrated by: Megan Persichetti
- Length: 5 hrs
- Unabridged
Lay the foundation for a lifetime of love, faith, and understanding with curated Bible passages for navigating the ups and downs of dating. This couple’s devotional features one devotion for each week of the year to inspire discussion between you and your partner and renew your bond with each other and God.
Together with Christ: A Dating Couples Devotional
- 52 Devotions and Bible Studies to Nurture Your Relationship
- Narrated by: Megan Persichetti
- Length: 5 hrs
- Release Date: 17-12-24
- Language: English
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Regular price: ₹703.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹703.00 or 1 Credit