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Băiuţeii [The Little Boys]
- Written by: Filip Florian, Matei Florian, Mircea Trofin
- Narrated by: Mihail Șomănescu
- Length: 5 hrs and 44 mins
- Unabridged
O carte despre copilarie si inocenta ei, despre prietenie si fotbal, dar, mai ales, despre universul familiei, cu toate ritualurile, iubirile, asteptarile si dezamagirile lui. In dialogul dintre autori, afirmatiile unuia sint reformulate de celalalt, istoriile capata mize diferite in functie de unghiul din care sint privite, personajele, dupa o scurta "cariera" intr-un capitol, sint demascate ironic in urmatorul...
Băiuţeii [The Little Boys]
- Narrated by: Mihail Șomănescu
- Length: 5 hrs and 44 mins
- Release Date: 20-12-24
- Language: Romanian
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Regular price: ₹187.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹187.00 or 1 Credit
Life Belongs to the Loud
- Written by: Forrest Lonefight
- Narrated by: Forrest Lonefight
- Length: 6 hrs and 20 mins
- Unabridged
Azul Morgan, a young Native/Indigenous woman is the next rock star to break. Trapped in M-town, Iowa during the "Next Seattle" Midwest Music Scene explosion during the aftermath of 9/11, she takes her guitar, named Mocha, & her composition notebook, The Bastard Chronicle, to write the greatest songs ever & form the perfect band.
Life Belongs to the Loud
- Narrated by: Forrest Lonefight
- Length: 6 hrs and 20 mins
- Release Date: 20-12-24
- Language: English
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Regular price: ₹398.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹398.00 or 1 Credit
Bye-Bye Bakersfield
- Written by: Jan Baross
- Narrated by: Becky Parker
- Length: 6 hrs and 46 mins
- Unabridged
“Don’t tell anyone we’re Democrats,” warned Mother when we moved to Bakersfield, CA, a town often referred to, back then, as redneck central. “And for heaven’s sake, don’t tell them you’re Jewish.”
Bye-Bye Bakersfield
- Narrated by: Becky Parker
- Length: 6 hrs and 46 mins
- Release Date: 20-12-24
- Language: English
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Regular price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
الحلم والأوباش [Dream and Bastards]
- Written by: مويان
- Narrated by: كريم الغازولي
- Length: 3 hrs and 27 mins
- Unabridged
الرواية التي حاز صاحبها على نوبل عام ٢٠١٢ تتحدث عن طفل يتنبأ بالمستقبل أو يهيأ له. اضطرابات وأهوال تصيب قريته ولكنه يقف مكتوف الأيدي. تعيش مع بطل الرواية داخل الريف الصيني وتتعرف على خباياه وعاداته وتقاليده الغريبة. استمع الآن إلى رواية "الحلم والأوباش" للكاتب مويان فقط وحصريًأ على تطبيق كتاب صوتي
الحلم والأوباش [Dream and Bastards]
- Narrated by: كريم الغازولي
- Length: 3 hrs and 27 mins
- Release Date: 17-12-24
- Language: Arabic
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Regular price: ₹187.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹187.00 or 1 Credit
Domani no
- Reloaded
- Written by: Cristiano Carriero
- Narrated by: Vito Pepe
- Length: 11 hrs
- Unabridged
Estate 2001: in tutte le radio impazza il singolo-tormentone Ossessione Onirica di Boavida. Non è una stagione come le altre: a Genova va in scena il G8 più discusso della storia, Carlo Giuliani viene ucciso, qualche giorno dopo si consuma la mattanza della scuola Diaz; le Torri Gemelle cadono giù, a settembre, per mano dei terroristi. Ernesto Celi, in arte Boavida, continua a cantare canzoni disimpegnate perché così vuole la sua etichetta discografica. Interviste, ospitate, il Festivalbar in cui deve esibirsi dopo che una star si è rifiutata di cantare in playback.
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Regular price: ₹382.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹382.00 or 1 Credit
Lume frumoasă, unde ești
- Written by: Sally Rooney, Mihaela Buruiană - Traducător
- Narrated by: Anca Munteanu
- Length: 11 hrs and 10 mins
- Unabridged
DESPRE AUDIOBOOK: Se doresc, se amăgesc, își fac griji despre sex și despre lumea în care trăiesc. Poate că, pur și simplu, ne naștem ca să iubim și să ne facem griji pentru oamenii pe care îi știm și ca să continuăm să iubim și să ne facem griji chiar și atunci când există lucruri mai importante pe care ar trebui să le facem. Alice, romancieră, îl întâlnește pe Felix, care lucrează la un depozit, și îl întreabă dacă i-ar plăcea să meargă cu ea la Roma. În Dublin, prietena ei cea mai bună, Eileen, trece printr-o despărțire și începe din nou să flirteze cu Simon, pe care îl știe încă din copilărie.
Lume frumoasă, unde ești
- Narrated by: Anca Munteanu
- Length: 11 hrs and 10 mins
- Release Date: 17-12-24
- Language: Romanian
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Regular price: ₹401.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹401.00 or 1 Credit
Foi um péssimo dia
- Written by: Natalia Borges Polesso
- Narrated by: Alina Cunha
- Length: 2 hrs and 14 mins
- Abridged
"Era o final dos anos 80, e tudo isso era normal. Pessoas levavam a filha das outras para casa sem avisar, crianças passeavam na caçamba dos carros, ninguém usava cinto de segurança, ansiedade era coisa que se curava com chinelada e/ou benzedura. E o mais maluco de tudo: existia uma bala assassina, a terrível e deliciosa bala Soft." Nesse universo tão real quanto imaginativo, Natalia Borges Polesso apresenta duas histórias que trazem um olhar sensível sobre a passagem da sua própria infância para a adolescência.
Foi um péssimo dia
- Narrated by: Alina Cunha
- Length: 2 hrs and 14 mins
- Release Date: 17-12-24
- Language: portuguese
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Regular price: ₹334.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹334.00 or 1 Credit
Illuminer décembre [Light Up December]
- Written by: Benoit Picard
- Narrated by: Odile Gagné-Roy
- Length: 6 hrs and 2 mins
- Unabridged
Ophélie déteste Noël et sa coloc et amie Zoé adore cette fête. Cette année, Ophélie se sent dans un creux de vague : son chum l’a laissée pendant l’été et son avenir en tant prof de littérature au cégep est loin d’être assuré, puisqu’elle est en début de carrière. Zoé propose donc un pari à son amie : si elle réussit à lui faire aimer Noël, elle aura le droit de décorer l’appartement plus tôt l’an prochain. Le bal des activités de saison est lancé. Zoé ne lésine pas sur les classiques des fêtes, ce qui permet à Ophélie de rencontrer Laurent, avec qui le potentiel amoureux est au rendez-vous.
Illuminer décembre [Light Up December]
- Narrated by: Odile Gagné-Roy
- Length: 6 hrs and 2 mins
- Release Date: 17-12-24
- Language: French
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Regular price: ₹689.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹689.00 or 1 Credit
Cose mai successe
- Written by: Giulia Blasi
- Narrated by: Giulia Blasi
- Length: 9 hrs and 57 mins
- Unabridged
Dal cassetto del mio comodino sbuca un portafoto in plastica arancione pieno di fotografie brutte, ed è subito estate del 1990. C'è Claudia con la frangetta e un paio di occhiali da sole con lenti fumé, Gina un po' più magra e con i capelli bagnati sciolti sulle spalle, io con gli occhiali da vista e sottile come un orbettino. Lulù era già andata via. Mi ricordo gli anni dopo la sua fuga, quella strana assenza mista a sollievo. Non sapere dove fosse e cosa stesse facendo era inquietante, ma la vita senza di lei era diventata più semplice, almeno per noi.
Cose mai successe
- Narrated by: Giulia Blasi
- Length: 9 hrs and 57 mins
- Release Date: 18-12-24
- Language: italian
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Regular price: ₹497.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹497.00 or 1 Credit
מומיק [Momik]
- Written by: David Grossman
- Narrated by: עידן אלתרמן
- Length: 3 hrs and 57 mins
- Unabridged
בירושלים של סוף שנות החמישים נחלץ מומיק בן התשע, בנם היחיד של זוג ניצולי שואה, לשחרר את הוריו מסיוטיהם. באומץ של מי שאין לו ברירה הוא נאבק לשחרר את ארץ שם מתוך שתיקותיהם, מרסיסי הזיכרונות שלהם, מסיפורי ילדים שהוא מכיר, ומן המיתוסים הישראליים של השנים ההן. הוא נלחם למען הוריו, ועיקר מאבקו הוא בחיה הנאצית, זו שטרפה את חייהם, זו שיכולה לצאת מכל חיה "אם רק יתנו לה את הטיפול המתאים ואת האוכל המתאים"
מומיק [Momik]
- Narrated by: עידן אלתרמן
- Length: 3 hrs and 57 mins
- Release Date: 18-12-24
- Language: Hebrew
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Regular price: ₹140.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹140.00 or 1 Credit
Vanity of Duluoz
- An Adventurous Education, 1935–46
- Written by: Jack Kerouac
- Narrated by: Andrew Eiden
- Length: 8 hrs and 22 mins
- Unabridged
This book presents the formative years in the life of Jack Duluoz—Kerouac’s alter ego—beginning with his high school experiences as a sporting jock in small-town New England and his time at Columbia University on a football scholarship. Just as Jack’s glamorous new adult life begins, so does World War II, and he joins the US Navy to travel the world. The more he experiences, the more he realizes the limits of his former plans and decides to and return to New York, where he collides with the start of the Beat movement—and a riot of drugs, sex, and writing.
Vanity of Duluoz
- An Adventurous Education, 1935–46
- Narrated by: Andrew Eiden
- Length: 8 hrs and 22 mins
- Release Date: 17-12-24
- Language: English
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Regular price: ₹937.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹937.00 or 1 Credit
The Islanders
- Written by: Lewis Robinson
- Narrated by: Evan Sibley
- Length: 10 hrs and 24 mins
- Unabridged
Shaken by problems at home, confused by the motives of a new love, and reeling from a public meltdown, high school hockey star Walt McNamara joins an exclusive new leadership program controlled by the ultra-wealthy summer residents of Whaleback Island, a granite and spruce oasis off the coast of Maine. But this is no paradise; secrets lurk in its murky waters.
The Islanders
- Narrated by: Evan Sibley
- Length: 10 hrs and 24 mins
- Release Date: 15-12-24
- Language: English
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Regular price: ₹468.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹468.00 or 1 Credit