Jim Rutledge and Molly Brown hold it with Matt still away whale watching in San Diego. Molly follows up after her much-needed wellness check from her home/remote broadcasting site/zoo. With Molly less than 4 weeks from giving birth, Jim and the fans generate some Packers-related and potential old-timey names for her kids. James also explains why he's judgemental to anyone whose legal name is just a nickname (Jim not James)... Jim and Molly also have Primetime explains Xavier McKinney's pettiness over disrespectful(ish) comments the DJ Moore made about the Packers secondary on the Kay Adams show six months ago! Molly reacts to her "rival" Kay being at the center of this drama, and Jim gives his power rankings of the biggest losers in this "drama" (including members of the media). They wrap up Hour 1 asking the fans for the pettiest moments they can remembers in Packers vs Bears history! They also highlight the High Life Dive Bar of the Week: The Rail House in Deerfield!