
  • The Satisfied Woman: Alanna Kaivalya, Ph.D.
    Dec 10 2024
    The 'Satisfied Woman' challenges the conventional wisdom that has long pushed women to model themselves after male-defined notions of success. For centuries, the female struggle for equality has meant fighting for the same opportunities as men to make their own choices, build independent lives, craft powerful careers, and exercise their agency. But has this been the wrong approach? Could striving to be equal to men actually be holding women back from realizing their fullest potential? Focusing too narrowly on integrating into masculine systems and hierarchies. women have forged paths laid out by men, emulating what men identify as desirable. These preconceived notions of what society has deemed standard have forced the modern woman to overlook the extraordinary power of developing and expressing her innate femininity. Could this be why many women remain unsatisfied and overwhelmed?
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    1 hr
  • Signs as Your Personal Growth Path: SIMRAN
    Dec 3 2024
    You are here to reunite mind, body, and spirit by creating, experienc- ing, and expressing. This will always engage a beginning, middle, and end. It will often encompass a challenge that unfolds a deeper lesson. Your jour- ney to planet Earth was intended for experiential engagement. This would require both, the process of involution and that of evolution. There are parts on the inside and outside of every human being that are at war with the Self. It is the journey of victim, villain, and hero . . . the unknown, the question, the answer . . . living, being, and knowing. The greatest gift of the soul is to release fully, so that it can be all that experience offers in knowing its true expansiveness. The journey involves predetermined obstacles within the self and in the outside world. It is through being at war, in love, and of peace, the soul journey unfolds. The experience and integration of love, poured on every circumstance, brings the peace being sought. Love would have you discover that everything is loving and good, even those things that seem ugly, wrong, or bad. Love would show you the steps along the path. Love would never leave you or stop being your guide. But it requires you to be present and loving to the Self, so that you see, and can be seen, through the eyes of Love rather than distorted perceptions. This is the place that holds all illusion, reality, and truth.
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    1 hr
  • Aikido Teachings of Robert Nadeau: Bob Noha
    Nov 26 2024
    A widely influential figure in the development of Aikido in America, Robert Nadeau is known as one of the few American direct disciples of Aikido’s founder Morihei Ueshiba Osensei. Now an 8th dan Aikido master teacher, Nadeau has taught generations of students, and several have become prominent teachers in their own right. However, he has never written about his life or philosophy, always reserving his most pointed lessons for those who practice with him in person. Nadeau’s core concepts, describe his simple-but-effective practices for personal development, and convey his time-tested approach to the inner training at the heart of Aikido in a very accessible way. Gain insight into some of these powerful teachings and how they influenced.
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    1 hr
  • Intuition & Inner Wisdom: Happy Ali
    Nov 19 2024
    The ability to thrive amidst a constant barrage of external input lies in our ability to connect with the innate power of our intuition. Each of us has a great resource within that is wired to our life’s purpose, and it is waiting to guide us one step at a time. Hunches, precognition, dream analysis and building to direct communication with a multidimensional level of intelligence is always available. Ready to discover more about intuition and inner wisdom?
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    1 hr
  • Relationships & Astrology: Kate Rose
    Nov 12 2024
    Wouldn’t you like a cheat sheet telling you whether a relationship is meant to last? Bestselling author Kate Rose gives you the insight you need to differentiate between soulmate, twin flame, and karmic relationships. Using an astrological birth chart — a cosmic fingerprint — you can see not just personality traits but also the wounds and lessons, specifically in love, you will encounter and learn from in this lifetime. Discover the true nature of soulmate relationships (contrary to popular belief, they do not yield the highest form of love) as well as the essential lessons to be learned in karmic relationships and the incomparable fulfillment of merging with your twin flame.
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    1 hr
  • New Medicine: Dr. Elson Haas
    Nov 5 2024
    The health of our young people is particularly important because bad habits learned early can have disastrous short-term and long-term consequences, as we see with the alarming rates of childhood obesity and early onset diabetes. Therefore a key passion is to teach young people to caring for the one and only body they each possess, with love and respect. Teaching children about how their bodies work and how to take care of themselves by making nourishing choices and learning the difference between real food and treats is critically important work for each of us as individuals and as a society.
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    1 hr
  • Your New Reality: Maureen St. Germain
    Oct 29 2024
    There is a new, amazing game ahead of us. This transformation is a mental and physical exercise that can only be driven by spiritual willingness to shift and change. Your wake-up call helped you recognize your situation. Get ready to race to . . . not the finish line, but the starting block! Live Your Best 5D Life!
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    1 hr
  • Achieve Enlightenment: Master Del Pe
    Oct 22 2024
    Meditation, prayers, yoga, vegetarianism and spiritual practices alone can be a waste of your time, resources and effort. They are only pieces of the puzzle which are not assembled to complete the enlightenment formula. You need a curriculum of self-mastery to achieve enlightenment in this lifetime. Don't leave this life merely rich, famous or successful. Travel and cross crystallizing borders of religiosity and aging spirituality... override the humps of contemporary ignorance ... escape the ditch of modern preoccupations... transport your consciousness far away, beyond the geography of obsolescence ... and expect to arrive at the doorstep of enlightenment. Depart enlightened.
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    1 hr