The complete title of this wildly comic story based on Tall Tales from the Hunters' Camp by South Carolina humorist William Gilmore Simms is "Bald Head Bill Bauldy and How He Went Through the Flurriday Campaign." At the nightly "Lying Camp' in a remote corner of the Smoky Mountains, camp cook and bottle washer Bill Bauldy is persuaded to retell his well-known account of how he was inveigled into the U.S. Army when they were chasing the Florida Seminoles. His uselessness as a soldier leads to his assignment as regimental cook. During his time off he samples the regiment's liquor and "long nine cigars" imported from Cuba. Lying low while his regiment fights a battle, Bauldy is captured first by the Seminoles, then by an alligator who takes him to an underwater island ruled over by a carnivorous mermaid queen with an army of alligators marching in formation. Sentenced to death by his commander for desertion, he is pardoned after he explains what happened and the unit is glad to enjoy decently cooked food once again. Adapted and directed by Robert Clem with a music score performed by Donald Stark,, Produced by Anne Blythe Meriwether. Funding from the Southern Humanities Media Fund. Mixed by Bill Sexton at South Carolina Education Broadcasting. With George Altman as Bald Head Bill and Ron Hale as the Colonel determined to make his life miserable.
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