The guys start by discussing daylight savings and whether it's outdated or not. They then move to a discussion about movie characters being only inserted to sell toys which leads into us talking about Star Wars and where the series was supposed to go before Disney took over. We then talk about Amazon Prime Day and the release of the iPhone 12. We then move on to talk about inventions that we came up with that other people definitely stole from us. We then discuss the 6 best whiskies of all time according to some online ranking list so you know it's true. Next we tease a new segment called Meme Of The Week (more on that soon). We then move into sports, discussing the Lakers winning the NBA Finals along with Mike Tyson's comeback. Gabe goes into a tangent about the Peppa Pig Live show. We then move into a debate on who would win in a fight, Donald Trump or Joe Biden. Max then moves into a slightly cringy childhood story about making a parody to the Pamper's jingle. We then read some viewer mail and discuss glitches in the Matrix. This is When You Really Think About it Episode 11.