A conversation with podcast guests, Evan Weber and Steffani Traskos, principals of Nakee Butter, manufacturer of Nakee Butter, a “spread with benefits” for high performing humans. Mighty Underdogs podcast Co-host Tom Nixon, author of the book: "Do Less, Sell More: How Entrepreneurs are Building Seven Figure Businesses without Breaking the Bank, Working Like Dogs or Losing their $#@%! And Mighty Underdogs podcast Co-host Armando Ojeda, entrepreneur and diverse small business advocate.
We discuss:
- Evolution of Nakee Butter from product for friends to broader market of “high performing humans”
- Developing a new product category that is not a protein bar and not a frosting, but a healthy, portable food for high performing humans on the go
- The importance of taking a risk, trying and doing; overcoming inaction
- Benefits of participating in learning environments such as Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses and Mighty Underdogs CEO Roundtables; avoid getting lost and having your business be stagnant
- The value of being vulnerable and transparent with peer small business owners to open yourself up to learning opportunities and not defining yourself by the numbers of your business
- The importance of being able to explain what your business is and what it does
Readings and Resources:
- Nakee Butter: https://nakee.co/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAqOucBhDrARIsAPCQL1bkHkYeqDCp3vnqqH3LUJwywQK444Qk8jCewLlTAjUmssOuqIW70UcaAsOkEALw_wcB
- Amazon Nakee Butter: https://nakee.co/products/new-nakee-butter-iq?variant=32419481092170¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=Cj0KCQiAqOucBhDrARIsAPCQL1ag865VmV87pMxm3te3w0j8cztiGgOzomYDpE3a4JcuvaaR7v4sppEaAgKzEALw_wcB
- Discount on Nakee Butter products: https://r.efer.me/6103053402353
- Vistage: https://www.vistage.com/
- Entrepreneurs’ Organization: https://hub.eonetwork.org/
- Mighty Underdogs: . https://www.mightyunderdogs.club
- Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses: https://www.10ksbapply.com/
- SCORE: https://www.score.org
- Donna Hover-Ojeda, Mighty Underdogs: donnahover@mightyunderdogs.club
- Tom-Nixon-Books: https://www.creativemillco.com/tom-nixon-books
Theme Music:
Let Us Run For It by The Denotes | https://thedenotes.bandcamp.com
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
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