This past fall, the NWTF launched its newest landscape-level, conservation initiative, Forests and Flocks. At the heart of this Northestern initiative is the NWTF’s dual mission to conserve the wild turkey and preserve our hunting heritage.
On this episode of the Turkey Call All Acess podcast, the NWTF's Paul Campbell sits down with two of the biologists from the Forests and Flocks region — Cully McCurdy and Mitchell Blake — to talk about how Forests and Flocks will establish critical nesting habitat in the spring, brood-rearing habitat in the summer, and practices that benefit hard and soft mast-bearing trees and shrubs that help wild turkeys make it through the winter in good condition.
The initiative also focuses on the NWTF’s mission to preserve our hunting heritage. This will boost the regional support for hunting and increase our voice against recurring proposed legislation that is antithetical to the NWTF’s mission.