• What's Love Got To Do With It?
    Feb 15 2022

    Episode 97. In 1984, Tina Turner famously sang “What’s Love got to do with it?” Tina won two Grammy’s for the song and it is, in fact, a great question all of us can ask! What does love got to do with anything? In this Fresh Tracks episode, Kelly Robbins leads us in an exploration of love itself. Love is hard to describe. It’s not something we can see or touch, yet we feel it and recognize it when we experience it. Love is a powerful energy and in fact, Love is the very core of the Universe itself.

    As we struggle with different events in our lives, we can each take the time to answer the question, “What’s Love got to do with it?” 
    We explore some of the ways to both receive and give love, as well as simply how to recognize love itself. Each of us gives and receives love in different ways. Strengthening your skills as an expectant receiver and active giver of love are important attributes for each of us on the path to harnessing the immense spiritual power of love. And living and creating a life we love.

    Show Notes: 
    2:30 – A look at what Love actually is
    5:00 – Hinduism and the origin of love
    7:00 – What everyone needs to know about giving and receiving Love
    12:30 – The role of affirmation and prayer in creating unity with Love
    16:30 – Steps for Learning to Recognize Love
    22:00 – Are you choosing from Love or fear?
    25:00 – Visualization to connect with your heart center

    About Kelly Robbins

    Author of Trust Your Next Step: Creating the Confidence to Cut Fresh Tracks and the podcast www.FreshTrackswithKellyRobbins.com, Kelly created her first business over 20 years ago, truly embracing the entrepreneurial spirit. Today she helps others live their divine purpose, live life as a fun adventure, and discover how to lead the right clients to their door consistently. Grab a copy of 10 Steps to Creating Your Fresh Tracks now for free here: https://kellyrobbins.net/theedge/

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    30 mins
  • Anchoring Goals and Desires
    Jan 14 2022

    Setting goals, intentions and resolutions can be the fun and easy part of creating our dream life. Accomplishing the goals and following through with the effort in making them manifest is another ball of wax!

    In this Fresh Tracks Meditation, we anchor-in our goals and desires as well as release obstacles that pop up as we lean-in to the new us. More than visualizing, we energetically connect you with your accomplished goal. 

    Discover the 10 Secrets to Cutting Your Fresh Tracks at www.FreshTrackswithKellyRobbins.com 


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    23 mins
  • Christmas Eve Meditation
    Dec 24 2021

    Choose to show up with the energy that you believe will best serve yourself and others this Christmas season. This guided Fresh Tracks Meditation allows you to de-stress and live from a deeper, calmer place. Don't get so caught up doing and being for others that you forget yourself! 

    Discover the 10 Secrets to Cutting Your Fresh Tracks at www.FreshTrackswithKellyRobbins.com 

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    23 mins
  • Living in Color
    Dec 22 2021

    In this episode of Fresh Tracks I speak with author Mike Murphy about what it means to live in color. Mike Murphy shares the emotional details of his love story meeting, marrying, and losing the love of his life, Margot, to metastatic breast cancer. Mike serves as a spiritual guide, by example, on how to be a caregiver when your partner is terminally ill and you want to fight it as a team. Despite all adversities and hurdles, they still focused on living a life together filled with freedom, abundance and peace.

    Mike also shares messages for anyone experiencing grief and looking for purpose when faced with the crippling pain of their loved one passing away. Discover how to live each day sharing love with others, in Mike’s words, making love a verb, and how to consciously know and live from our connection with God, with the Universal Energy that is life. Mike shares his unique spiritual journey and the joy’s of living from your heart and loving life.

    Show Notes:
    3:15 – What life is like when we live in color
    7:45 – Love as a healing power
    10:00 – Making love a verb
    12:10 – Using our one source of energy with intention
    18:00 – Moving from the head to the heart
    23:30 – Death as a spiritual experience
    27:00 – In response to seeing disparities in healthcare treatment

    MIKE MURPHY is the author of Living in Color: A Love Story, in Sickness and in Health. His mission is to share exactly how he has been able to co-create a life of freedom, abundance, purpose and love. He is the president and owner of Volkswagen Oakland and founder of the Love from Margot Foundation, which he established to honor his late wife. The foundation supports low-income women experiencing advanced cancer with emergency funds, education and resources needed for recovery. He is also the creator of The Creation Frequency Online course dedicated to teaching people how to create the life of their dreams, his book of the same name was released in 2018. He has been interviewed by Larry King and other show hosts.

    www.thecreationfrequency.com MMGIFT promo code to access course for free.

    Discover the 10 Secrets to Cutting Your Fresh Tracks at www.FreshTrackswithKellyRobbins.com 

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    35 mins
  • Three Steps to Set Yourself up for Success
    Dec 12 2021

    In this episode of Fresh Tracks Kelly walks us through a process to set ourselves up for success during the last few weeks of this year. Energetically, physically, mentally, and spiritually, being the brightest light you are can take more effort during this time of year. Intentionality is the key to success.

    Self-love, retaining (and gaining) your personal power and energetically closing what’s draining you are keys to maintaining a peaceful sense of self AND being the beacon of light you naturally are. Take some time now to determine what you want these last few weeks of the year to look and feel like. Kelly will walk you through some steps to get there! Set yourself up for success and be the kind of spiritual being you choose to be.

    Show Notes:
    2:30 – The goal – Being the bright light that you inherently are
    5:00 – Setting boundaries with self-love
    11:00 – When your spiritual practice is a burden
    14:30 – Tips for getting and staying in your power
    18:30 – Closing out 2021 by wrapping up incompletes
    22:00 – Visualization and energetic clean-up

    About Kelly Robbins
    Author of Trust Your Next Step: Creating the Confidence to Cut Fresh Tracks and the podcast FreshTrackswithKellyRobbins.com, Kelly created her first business over 20 years ago, truly embracing the entrepreneurial spirit. Today she helps others live their divine purpose, live life as a fun adventure, and discover how to lead the right clients to their door consistently. Grab a copy of 10 Steps to Creating Your Fresh Tracks now for free here: https://kellyrobbins.net/theedge/

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    30 mins
  • Are We Experiencing A Global Transformation of Consciousness?
    Apr 16 2021

    There is radical tension and discord across the world today. At times it feels unbearable. The magnitude of the turmoil makes me believe there is something bigger going on. What if we are we living through one of Earth’s great transformations? A time that will change the course of humanity forever. In this episode of Fresh Tracks we consider what’s been termed the “Axial Age”. A global shift in the consciousness of humanity. Such a powerful shift in humanity is bringing unprecedented turmoil and unrest on a global scale. Why? Because with all change there is discord.

    I share an overview of the world’s great religious leaders and their role in a previous transformation in human consciousness, and then we dive into some of the identifiable characteristics of today’s shift. Ultimately, we each need to know we play a role in today’s transition to a global consciousness. From the Universe in its’ totality, to how we interact with other species on our planet, to how we view and treat each other, we are intertwined and interrelated no matter where we reside.  

    Show Notes:

    3:45 – About the First Axial Age
    6:30 – A overview of the world’s great religious founders
    11:00 – The consciousness transformation happening today
    14:00 – Characteristics of this great transformation in religion, the environment, ecologically and ways of Being
    19:25 – What this consciousness change means on a global level
    23:00 – Using this period in time to evaluate ourselves and our role in this transition
    26:00 – Different alternatives to deepening to your personal transformation

    About Kelly Robbins

    Author of Trust Your Next Step: Creating the Confidence to Cut Fresh Tracks and the podcast www.FreshTrackswithKellyRobbins.com, Kelly created her first business over 20 years ago, truly embracing the entrepreneurial spirit. Today she helps others live their divine purpose, live life as a fun adventure, and discover how to lead the right clients to their door consistently. Grab a copy of 10 Steps to Creating Your Fresh Tracks now for free here: https://kellyrobbins.net/theedge/ 

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    30 mins
  • Loving Relationships Meditation
    Feb 12 2021

    This Fresh Tracks meditation brings to you the consciousness of unlimited Love for yourself and all others. This guided meditation expands the core vibration of the Divine -- Love -- in ourselves and guides us to expand this unlimited energy to all others. Fill yourself up with the high vibration of endless love in this 20-minute guided meditation.

    For more Fresh Tracks meditations register for free KellyRobbins.net/meditation

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    24 mins
  • Fundamentalism, the Brain, and You
    Feb 12 2021

    I found myself yelling at “them” on the television a few weeks ago. Angry. Disturbed at "their" lack of empathy for others. I experienced a complete disgust of those “other people” as a whole. In this week’s episode of Fresh Tracks, we look at what’s going on behind this anger and the “us versus them” mentality we see across the world today. This leads us to a discussion on brain scans, sacred values, religious fundamentalism and its meaning to us. Is our brain hard-wired to default to this anger and separatism?

    I share results of brain research that has been done specifically on religious fundamentalism, sacred values and our willingness to fight and die for what we believe in. Why does this “us versus them” scenario develop in the first place? And what can you, as an individual do to change it? Check out this episode of Fresh Tracks and discover how to physically change your brain to experience empathy, compassion and reason.

    Show Notes:

    5:00 – Sacred Values and the role they play in decision making
    8:30 – Us versus Them on a brain scan
    11:00 – Are we all One? The brains natural hardwiring and the pull and tug of us vs them thinking
    13:20 – How do you justify your anger? Becoming aware of your reactions and anger
    17:15 – Recognizing when your sacred values are threatened
    20:30 – Meditation and how it effects your brain
    25:00 – Seeing your inner work when it shows up
    27:00 – Willingness to fight and die for sacred vs non sacred values

    About Kelly Robbins

    Author of Trust Your Next Step: Creating the Confidence to Cut Fresh Tracks and the podcast www.FreshTrackswithKellyRobbins.com. Grab a copy of 10 Steps to Creating Your Fresh Tracks now for free here: https://kellyrobbins.net/theedge/ 

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    31 mins