Our Tiny house Community of 6 years that has a valid lease ( pays property taxes) holds insurance, adheres to all safety and sanitation codes, has trash service, internet service, water, and support of neighbors is threatened with shut down due to blight codes. The Blight codes make the presence of RV’s or trailers on private land a violation, it includes a limit of 72 hours that someone can sleep in an RV on private land. Neighborship.org Change.org/Neighborship [Oakland Blight Code](http://https://library.municode.com/ca/oakland/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=TIT8HESA_CH8.24PRBL_8.24.020BLPRDE) [Shelter Crisis Ordinance](http://cao-94612.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/13564-CMS.pdf)