Jessica Camille Aguirre is a writer whose work focuses on climate change and extremes.
[01:41] AFAR Magazine: “The Promise and Peril of Space Tourism”
[05:13] Frank White’s The Overview Effect: Space Exploration and Human Evolution
[06:34] The Space Studies Institute: Gerard K. O’Neill
[08:19] NASA: “Blue Marble”
[08:23] NASA: “Earthrise”
[08:58] Kenneth E. Boulding: “The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth”
[09:14] Wikipedia: “Whole Earth Catalog”
[18:02] Harper’s Magazine: “Another Green World”
[22:25] University of Arizona: “Biosphere 2”
[31:56] Bill McKibben’s The End of Nature
[36:40] Southlands newsletter