(Tumi) Eso ámár ghare krpá kare
Vedii sájáyechi tomár tare
Madhumálatiir málá geṋthe
Ghrtálok rákhá diipádháre
Mánasacandana mákháno hiyá
Rauṋiin kusumeri madhu bhariyá
Basiyá rayechi kán pátiyá
Tava padadhvani shuńibáre
Caiṋcala pavane hindolita
Vash-ná-náná man áloŕita
Tava bhávanáy se spandita
Tumi baso ámár ghare bhálo kare
Kindly come into my residence;
I've arrayed an altar for Thee.
Threaded is a garland of sweet jasmine,
And on the lampstand is the light of ghee.
My heart is coated with mental sandal
And full of honey from blooms of many colors.
I've been waiting, my ear to the ground,
Listening for sound of Your footfall holy.
In the shifting Jhulanjatra[nb 2] wind,
My untamed heart grows flustered.
Thinking of You, she is throbbing;
Help me by staying at my dwelling.