Written by: Daniel Chen Sean Peng Kai Lin
  • Summary

  • REALFAKE is a bilingual podcast that brings together people from all walks of life. In an era marked by heightened sensitivity, hosts Daniel Chen, Sean Peng, and Kai Lin are on a journey to cut through the world’s BS with hilarity. We ask the questions YOU want answers to. If you’re a real one, get ready for the unfiltered truth with REALFAKE! The REALEST time with the Taiwanese bros 🇹🇼 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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  • 這36個問題真的可以讓我們相愛嗎?! 直男完美的一天沒包括女友? 一段友誼最珍視的是什麼?? | REALFAKE 63
    Sep 17 2024
    怕氣氛僵狂冷場的朋友不能錯過這一集,心理學家 Arthur Aron 的愛情36問讓你不怕沒話題!這些不同面向且發人深省的問題除了能讓你更了解彼此之外,回答的過程說不定也會讓你漸漸愛上對方!好比說你會不會渴望成名?你最美好的一天是什麼樣子?打電話前會先彩排要講什麼嗎?Kai 甚至提到他有種神秘第六感知道自己大概何時會離開這個世界…我們也探討了比較深入的話題像是人生最大的成就是什麼?友情裡面最看重哪一個點?最快樂的回憶等等。聽完這集的聽眾,也可以和我們分享有沒有因為這些問題而愛上我們(?🤢🤮 In this episode, the boys take on a series of personal questions used by psychologist Arthur Aron, aiming to not only learn more about each other but maybe even fall in love… or are they already? They dive into all sorts of topics, from whether fame is something they desire, what their ideal day looks like, to whether they rehearse phone calls. Kai even reveals his sixth sense for knowing when he might pass. They also get deep, sharing their greatest accomplishments, what they truly value in friendship, and their most cherished memories. Tune in to see if you’ll fall in love with one of us too 🤮🤢 WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: APPLE: KKBOX: 📩 合作邀約請來信: Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 03:44 第一次約會完全不用緊張! 09:31 我也想跟 IU 吃晚餐! 15:32 大家都想成名嗎? 25:15 打電話前會先排練? 28:04 直男完美的一天 36:03 我要30歲的身體90歲時的心智! 38:46 你有第六感嗎? 46:00 這就是直男必有的特徵? 48:10 愛家的男人最帥 50:03 家人對我們太好了 53:36 1分鐘的自我介紹 57:00 我要變成超人 1:00:23 預測未來的水晶球 1:01:10 你的夢想是什麼?! 1:04:27 你人生中最大的成就是什麼? 1:06:26 直男的(侯)友誼 1:10:47 你最寶貴的記憶是什麼? 1:16:57 ENDING -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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    1 hr and 18 mins
  • 直男的溫柔就是幫你解決問題!! 「我是不是胖了」的高情商回覆!! 明明就是你不懂我的浪漫!! | REALFAKE 62
    Sep 10 2024
    直男行為解析趴兔登場!!上一集還沒聽夠氣夠的朋友今天讓我們繼續看下去,如果還有很多未解答的疑惑歡迎到我們的 Threads 留言 🫡 聽眾朋友的疑問都很有趣,像是男子漢就愛疊羅漢?直男走慢點很難?互相嘴砲是愛的表現?當然跟感情相關的問題鐵定少不了!想要直男安撫情緒他卻急著解決問題?一吵架就只會叫人家冷靜?浪漫 Duke 是與生俱來?最後,自人類歷史記載以來幾乎每個男生都面對過,但經過數年的研究與改良至今仍尚未研發出正確解答,導致存活率極低的問題…. 👩🏻:我這樣穿好看嗎?我是不是變胖了? (不說了,我先去旁邊擦汗 The boys are back to break down the minds of DUDES in this episode, answering fan questions like why guys love lying on each other and why they always walk so fast, all while roasting one another along the way. Of course, they dive into relationship dynamics too, explaining why guys are so focused on solving problems but struggle emotionally, why “calm down” is the worst thing to say in an argument, and whether being romantic is something you’re born with. To wrap it up, they tackle the age-old questions: “Do I look good in this?” and “Am I getting fat?”! WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: APPLE: KKBOX: 📩 合作邀約請來信: Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 04:52 男生都很喜歡疊在一起?! 10:56 哩洗勒靠喔? 20:33 你可以不要走那麼快嗎? 24:16 直男愛睏是因為愛你 30:32 男生都腸胃不好嗎?! 34:47 很喜歡拿對方外表玩笑 44:59 靜靜到底是誰?! 52:29 直男超會分析問題! 57:50 浪漫 Duke! 1:01:01 浪漫是天生的嗎? 1:10:48 「你覺得我穿這樣好看嗎?」 1:12:56 「我是不是胖了?」 1:16:29 ENDING -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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    1 hr and 18 mins
  • 請你去坐博愛座有很難嗎?! 你走得慢還要併排走來擋我?! 國道有一堆擋著地球轉的三寶!! | REALFAKE 61
    Sep 3 2024
    每一段相遇都別具意義,這些人的出現一定是在考驗我的脾氣 :) 今天就來聊聊那些讓我們抓狂的日常小事,你認為無傷大雅的行為,有可能是讓別人發瘋的關鍵!! 先從簡單的開始,好比說走路走的超級慢、硬要在腳踏車道上散步、搭火車/捷運時不讓乘客先下車就急著要擠上去、在擁擠的車廂內吃著味道極重的食物、又或者看電影時旁邊的人就是不懂得安靜,講著講著火氣都上來了!! 以上這些可能都屬於比較常見的、有共鳴的惱人行為,但我們也分享了一些也許全世界只有我們無法忍受的點,像是不把手搖杯的料吃完就丟掉、負責洗碗時其他人把碗盤全部疊一起搞得全部都很油、動不動就往人身上貼標籤等等,但… 這些也都還好啦,沒有什麼比得過龜速、三寶、以及永遠不打方向燈想換車道就換的自由靈魂。(有路怒症的朋友歡迎在下方簽到) In this episode, the boys vent about the pet peeves that drive them CRAZY! They start with simple annoyances like people walking slowly or in bike lanes, then dive into train-specific complaints, such as blocking exits and eating smelly food. They also rant about movie-watching frustrations, like how some people just can’t stay quiet during a film. Each of them shares unique personal pet peeves, from not finishing the pearls in a drink to dealing with oily dishes and hating how people love to give labels. But what really unites the boys is their shared frustration with bad and slow drivers, and the lack of turn signals on the road. WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: APPLE: KKBOX: 📩 合作邀約請來信: Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 02:54 走路慢還要擋我? 08:51 可以不要在腳踏車道散步嗎? 12:17 下飛機一定要這麼趕嗎? 16:03 搭火車有一大堆問題! 20:27 火車漏屎案件 25:03 火車上吃味道很重的早餐! 29:01 麻煩你看電影就專心安靜坐著看! 35:50 可以不要浪費電嗎? 40:37 不想坐博愛座就給我站著! 50:26 為什麼珍珠不吃完就直接丟掉?! 54:15 我可是很會洗碗的!! 58:51 冷笑話 101 1:01:51 我很討厭群體標籤 1:07:34 高速公路為什麼要開這麼慢!! 1:12:30 麻煩要記得用方向燈 1:16:23 ENDING -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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    1 hr and 18 mins

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