Cupid Kaneez is a 10-episode series from Audible Suno created and hosted by comedian Kaneez Surka. In this series Kaneez plays matchmaker to her friends and sets them up on blind dates. Every episode is a postmortem of the date and explores the suspense, intrigue, and awkwardness of modern dating. Cupid Kaneez explores the love lives of Sumukhi Suresh, Rohan Joshi, Kubbra Sait, Rega Jha, Pooja Dhingra, Daniel Fernandes and more as they share their thoughts on what it takes to play the dating game.
New episodes of Cupid Kaneez will be released weekly.
This show contains expletives, strong language, and mature content for adult listeners. The opinions expressed on this show are personal to the individuals appearing in the show and not those of Audible. This show is not intended to offend or defame any individual, entity, caste, community, race, or religion or to denigrate any institution or person, living or dead. Listener's discretion is strongly advised.
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