Fayroll [Russian Edition]
18 titles in seriesGame Is Not for the Sake of the Game [Russian Edition] Publisher's Summary
Game Is Not for the Sake of the Game [Russian Edition]
- Written by: Andrey Vasilyev
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 11 hrs and 26 mins
- Unabridged
"Igra ne radi igry" - fantasticheskij roman cikla "Fajroll" Andreja Vasil'eva, zhanr boevoe fjentezi, LitRPG. Byt' zhurnalistom - jeto oznachaet to, chto ty vsegda gotov k tomu, chto tvoja sud'ba mozhet zanesti tebja nevest' kuda. Tak i vyshlo s reporterom po imeni Hariton Nikiforov - ego otpravili v onlajn-igru pod nazvaniem "Fajroll", chtoby na meste posmotret', chto tam k chemu i napisat' pro jeto cikl statej dlja ezhenedel'nika. Vot tol'ko igry - jeto takaja shtuka….
Game Is Not for the Sake of the Game [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 11 hrs and 26 mins
- Release Date: 10-11-15
- Language: russian
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Regular price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Ways of Orient [Russian Edition]
- Written by: Andrey Vasilyev
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 10 hrs and 56 mins
- Unabridged
"Puti Vostoka" - fantasticheskij roman cikla "Fajroll" Andreja Vasil'eva, zhanr boevoe fjentezi, LitRPG. Novye druz'ja i novye vragi, novye kvesty i novye problemy - vse jeto ozhidaet zhurnalista Nikiforova v real'noj zhizni i ego personazha v komp'juternoj igre "Fajroll". I esli v igre pered personazhem po imeni Hejgen stoit zadacha vypolnit' neverojatno slozhnyj kvest, to pered zhurnalistom stoit zadacha ne poterjat' svoju golovu v real'nosti. Dannoe izdanie soderzhit special'nuju avtorskuju versiju romana, ranee ne izdavavshujusja!
Ways of Orient [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Arcady Bukhmin
- Length: 10 hrs and 56 mins
- Release Date: 04-01-16
- Language: russian
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Regular price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
The Area of the Cold Winds [Russian Edition]
- Written by: Andrey Vasilyev
- Narrated by: Maxim Suslov
- Length: 13 hrs and 6 mins
- Unabridged
"Kraj holodnyh vetrov" - fantasticheskij roman Andreja Vasil'eva, tret'ja kniga iz cikla "Fajroll", zhanr boevoe fjentezi, LitRPG. Doroga, kotoroj kazhetsja ne budet konca, privodit geroja na zemli Severa - kraj dikij i neprivetlivyj. Novye vragi i starye druz'ja, poedinki s sebe podobnymi i drevnee, kak mir, zlo - s jetim vsem predstoit vstretit'sja zhurnalistu Haritonu Nikiforovu, bolee izvestnomu v mire Fajrolla kak iskatel' prikljuchenij po imeni Hejgen.
The Area of the Cold Winds [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Maxim Suslov
- Length: 13 hrs and 6 mins
- Release Date: 25-04-16
- Language: russian
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Regular price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Gong and Cup [Russian Edition]
- Written by: Andrey Vasilyev
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 14 hrs and 23 mins
- Unabridged
"Gong i chasha" - fantasticheskij roman Andreja Vasil'eva, chetvertaja kniga iz cikla "Fajroll", zhanr boevoe fjentezi, LitRPG. Kak zhe vse neprosto v zhizni zhurnalista Kifa, izvestnogo v mire Fajrolla pod nikom "Hejgen". Ne uspev opomnit'sja ot bitvy na Severe, on popadaet v novuju peredelku. Naemniki i rycari, hramy i dvorcy, perevoroty i ritualy - vse jeto sypletsja na ego golovu. Da eshhe i zhizn' v reale podkidyvaet odin sjurpriz za drugim.
Gong and Cup [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 14 hrs and 23 mins
- Release Date: 26-07-16
- Language: russian
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Regular price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Sicilian Defense [Russian Edition]
- Written by: Andrey Vasilyev
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 14 hrs and 11 mins
- Unabridged
"Sicilianskaja zashhita" - fantasticheskij roman Andreja Vasil'eva, pjataja kniga iz cikla "Fajroll", zhanr boevoe fjentezi, LitRPG. Igry s bogami redko zakanchivajutsja horoshim finalom. Vot i zhurnalistu Nikiforovu, bolee izvestnomu v igre pod imenem tana Hejgena iz Tron'e, vypala bol'shaja udacha - posposobstvovat' ih vozvrashheniju v igrovoj mir. Vot tol'ko skazat' jeto legko, a sdelat' - net.
Sicilian Defense [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 14 hrs and 11 mins
- Release Date: 26-07-16
- Language: russian
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Regular price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Black Flags of Archipelago [Russian Edition]
- Written by: Andrey Vasilyev
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 16 hrs and 38 mins
- Unabridged
"Chernye flagi Arhipelaga" - fantasticheskij roman Andreja Vasil'eva, shestaja kniga cikla "Fajroll", zhanr boevoe fjentezi, LitRPG. Kuda tol'ko ne mozhet zanesti igroka v poiskah artefakta, osobenno v takoj igre kak Fajroll. Geroja jetoj istorii zaneslo v piratskie shiroty, imenuemye Tigalijskim Arhipelagom, prichem igrokov krome nego zdes' net, poskol'ku lokacija poka eshhe tol'ko testiruetsja razrabotchikami igry.
Black Flags of Archipelago [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 16 hrs and 38 mins
- Release Date: 08-09-16
- Language: russian
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Regular price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Different Sides [Russian Edition]
- Written by: Andrey Vasilyev
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 18 hrs and 13 mins
- Unabridged
"Raznye storony" - fantasticheskij roman Andreja Vasil'eva, sed'maja kniga cikla "Fajroll", zhanr boevoe fjentezi, LitRPG. Kogda uhodish' kuda-to nadolgo, ne zabyvaj zakryvat' dveri, inache v tvoj dom mogut vojti neprijatnosti. Vernuvshis' iz piratskogo Arhipelaga, zhurnalist Nikiforov, bolee izvestnyj v igrovom mire "Fajrolla" kak tan Zapadnoj Marki Hejgen, obnaruzhil, chto u nego nakopilos' ogromnoe kolichestvo problem.
Different Sides [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 18 hrs and 13 mins
- Release Date: 10-11-16
- Language: russian
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Regular price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
World and Steel [Russian Edition]
- Written by: Andrey Vasilyev
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 17 hrs and 34 mins
- Unabridged
"Slovo i stal'" - fantasticheskij roman Andreja Vasil'eva, vos'maja kniga cikla "Fajroll", zhanr boevoe fjentezi, LitRPG. Vojna potihon'ku raspolzaetsja po kontinentu i pohozhe na to, chto skoro mnogo malen'kih kostrov prevratjatsja v odin bol'shoj pozhar. I v odin zhe klubok svjazyvajutsja niti sudeb mnogih igrokov, vot tol'ko kak rasputat' jeti perepletenija neizvestno nikomu. Vprochem, geroj knigi i ne sobiraetsja nichego rasputyvat', ego zadacha gorazdo proshhe - vyzhit' samomu i sberech' svoj malen'kij klan.
World and Steel [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 17 hrs and 34 mins
- Release Date: 02-12-16
- Language: russian
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Regular price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Right of Choice [Russian Edition]
- Written by: Andrey Vasilyev
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 15 hrs and 56 mins
- Unabridged
"Pravo vybora" - fantasticheskij roman Andreja Vasil'eva, devjataja kniga cikla "Fajroll", zhanr boevoe fjentezi, LitRPG. Dlja kogo-to novogodnie prazdniki - vremja radosti i razvlechenij, a komu-to pridetsja i pobegat', zabyv pro otdyh. Puteshestvie v mir mertvyh i poiski dorogi k pervoj pechati v igre, vstrechi i rasstavanija v real'noj zhizni - vot chto predstoit geroju knigi v to vremja, kogda ostal'nye budut vypivat' i zakusyvat'. A chto podelaesh' - zhizn' shtuka kapriznaja i promahov ne proshhaet.
Right of Choice [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 15 hrs and 56 mins
- Release Date: 02-12-16
- Language: russian
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Regular price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Two Fire [Russian Edition]
- Written by: Andrey Vasilyev
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytzyn
- Length: 20 hrs and 24 mins
- Unabridged
"Dva ognja" - fantasticheskij roman Andreja Vasil'eva, desjataja kniga cikla "Fajroll", zhanr boevoe fjentezi, LitRPG. Vremja ne stoit na meste, a potomu i sobytija, proishodjashhie v zhizni glavnogo geroja, zastavljajut ego dvigat'sja vpered vse bystree i bystree, ne davaja vremeni na to, chtoby ostanovit'sja i posmotret' - a kuda on sobstvenno bezhit? I pravil'noe li vybrano napravlenie dlja bega? Dannoe izdanie soderzhit special'nuju rasshirennuju avtorskuju versiju romana, ranee ne izdavavshujusja!
Two Fire [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytzyn
- Length: 20 hrs and 24 mins
- Release Date: 27-12-16
- Language: russian
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Regular price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Петля судеб. Том первый [Loop of Destinies. Volume One]
- Файролл. Книга 13 [Fireroll, Book 13]
- Written by: Andrey Vasilyev
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 13 hrs and 2 mins
- Unabridged
Никому не нравится, когда все идет кувырком, но когда подобное происходит раз за разом, то к такому положению дел потихоньку привыкаешь. Вот и игрок Хейген вроде привык к хаосу, тот стал привычной частью его жизни. И все бы ничего, вот только обновление, сотрясшее основы Файролла, снова все поменяло, и не в лучшую сторону.
Петля судеб. Том первый [Loop of Destinies. Volume One]
- Файролл. Книга 13 [Fireroll, Book 13]
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 13 hrs and 2 mins
- Release Date: 11-10-21
- Language: russian
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Regular price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Fayroll. Book XI. Delusion. Volume 1 [Russian Edition]
- Written by: Andrey Vasilyev
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 17 hrs and 6 mins
- Unabridged
"Snishozhdenie" - fantasticheskij roman Andreja Vasil'eva, odinnadcataja kniga cikla "Fajroll", zhanr boevoe fjentezi, LitRPG. Ta cel', kotoruju postavili pered zhurnalistom Haritonom Nikiforovym, izvestnom v igre "Fajroll" pod imenem Hejgena iz Tron'e, stanovitsja vse blizhe i blizhe, no i prepjatstvija, otdeljajushhie ego ot nee, tozhe stanovjatsja vse slozhnee i slozhnee.
Fayroll. Book XI. Delusion. Volume 1 [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 17 hrs and 6 mins
- Release Date: 27-03-17
- Language: russian
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Regular price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
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Квадратура круга. Том первый [The Square of the Circle, Volume One]
- Файролл [Fayroll: Book XI]
- Written by: Andrey Vasilyev
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 15 hrs and 3 mins
- Unabridged
Издание содержит фантастический роман Андрея Васильева "Квадратура круга. Том первый", цикл "Файролл", жанр боевое фэнтези, LitRPG. Боги вернулись в Файролл, и вроде бы на этом для Харитона Никифорова, известного в игре как Хейген, все должно было закончиться.
Квадратура круга. Том первый [The Square of the Circle, Volume One]
- Файролл [Fayroll: Book XI]
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 15 hrs and 3 mins
- Release Date: 10-07-19
- Language: russian
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Regular price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
The Square of the Circle, Volume 2 (Russian Edition)
- Fayroll, Book XI
- Written by: Andrey Vasilyev
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 14 hrs and 17 mins
- Unabridged
Современная жизнь быстра, но на фоне тех событий, которые бурлят вокруг журналиста Никифорова, обычные будни обычных людей могут показаться медленными и тягучими. Другое дело, что событийная петля, захлестывающая его запросто может превратиться в удавку, затянутую на горле.
The Square of the Circle, Volume 2 (Russian Edition)
- Fayroll, Book XI
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 14 hrs and 17 mins
- Release Date: 28-04-20
- Language: russian
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Regular price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Fayroll. Book XI. Delusion. Volume 2 [Russian Edition]
- Written by: Andrey Vasilyev
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 18 hrs and 10 mins
- Unabridged
Izdanie soderzhit fantasticheskij roman Andreja Vasil'eva "Snishozhdenie. Tom vtoroj ", cikl "Fajroll", zhanr boevoe fjentezi, LitRPG. Mnogo malen'kih sobytij ran'she ili pozzhe spletajutsja v odno celoe, takovy zakony bytija. Vot i v igre "Fajroll" vse proishodit tak zhe - nebol'shie stychki mezhdu klanami vse-taki vylilis' v bol'shuju vojnu. I gde-to v samom centre grjadushhego bezumija nahoditsja geroj, kotoromu i bez jetoj mezhdousobicy prihoditsja krutit'sja kak uzhu na skovorodke.
Fayroll. Book XI. Delusion. Volume 2 [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 18 hrs and 10 mins
- Release Date: 20-06-17
- Language: russian
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Regular price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
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Квадратура круга. Том третий [Squaring the Circle, Volume 3]
- Файролл. Книга 12. [Fireroll, Book 12]
- Written by: Andrey Vasilyev
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 13 hrs and 18 mins
- Unabridged
Над Раттермарком все сильнее и сильнее сгущаются черные тучи, предвещающие большую грозу. Старые игровые альянсы и союзы перестают существовать, вчерашние лидеры становятся аутсайдерами, уступая дорогу амбициозным новичкам, а сложившиеся устои рушатся, оставляя после себя прах и пепел.
Квадратура круга. Том третий [Squaring the Circle, Volume 3]
- Файролл. Книга 12. [Fireroll, Book 12]
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 13 hrs and 18 mins
- Release Date: 07-09-20
- Language: russian
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Regular price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Fayroll. Book XI. Delusion. Volume 3 [Russian Edition]
- Written by: Andrey Vasilyev
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 19 hrs and 33 mins
- Unabridged
Издание содержит фантастический роман Андрея Васильева "Снисхождение. Том третий ", цикл "Файролл", жанр боевое фэнтези, LitRPG. Все в этом мире когда-то подходит к концу. Вот и Харитон Никифоров, так же известный в онлайн-игре ""Файролл"" под именем ""Хейген"" вплотную приблизился к заветному финалу. До вызова богов в мир Файролла осталось всего-ничего, но как иногда бывают трудны самые последние шаги, на дороге, ведущей к заветной цели.
Fayroll. Book XI. Delusion. Volume 3 [Russian Edition]
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 19 hrs and 33 mins
- Release Date: 21-12-17
- Language: russian
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Regular price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Sale price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit
Файролл. Книга 12. Квадратура круга. Том четвертый (Russian Edition)
- Written by: Andrey Vasilyev
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 13 hrs and 25 mins
- Unabridged
Когда кончается одна напасть, то какое-то время ты можешь дышать полной грудью, но ровно до того времени, пока тебя с головой не накроет другая. Разумеется, это в том случае, если ты выбрался из переделки живым и здоровым, и если эти напасти ходят поодиночке.
Файролл. Книга 12. Квадратура круга. Том четвертый (Russian Edition)
- Narrated by: Alexander Chaytsyn
- Length: 13 hrs and 25 mins
- Release Date: 07-04-21
- Language: russian
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Sale price: ₹234.00 or 1 Credit