Thriller Factory is a 10-episode series from Audible Suno directed by Anurag Kashyap, starring Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Tabu, and Sachin Khedekar. Adapted from the work of celebrated writer Ved Prakash Sharma and created with an immersive score inspired by 80s Bollywood movies, every episode takes you into the blood-soaked underbelly of India’s best pulp fiction.
New episodes of Thriller Factory will be released weekly.
This show contains expletives, strong language, and mature content for adult listeners, including intimate scenes that support the story line. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real persons, businesses, places, or events is coincidental. This show is not intended to offend or defame any individual, entity, caste, community, race, or religion or to denigrate any institution or person, living or dead. Listener discretion is strongly advised.
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