The Journey Begins is the first novel in the Will Cannon, Bounty Hunter, series. Adam and Abel Lee return from the Civil War to find their family murdered, their plantations stolen and the Union Army looking for them because they have been framed for the theft of the Yankee payroll in a train robbery. The Lee brothers soon find out the Blackman Gang is to blame for the crimes but the Blackman Gang flees the area and Adam and Abel fake their own deaths and start their journey west. Their goal is to establish a home base and begin the search for the Blackman Gang. They have to fight corrupt yankee soldiers, many hostile Indians, cutthroat rawhiders, Mexican bandits and some other dirty polecats before they reach the Mora River Ranch. Adam and Abel take the identities of two dead settlers and Adam becomes Will Cannon and Abel becomes Joe Cannon. This book sets the stage for the long bloody hunt for the Blackman Gang.