Yoddha is a 30-episode series from Audible Suno created and performed by Neelesh Misra. This series celebrates the bravery of the Indian Armed Forces, chronicling soldiers’ fierce sense of duty against impossible odds. The stories also reveal their personal lives and sacrifice and the courage of their family members.
This series is meant for entertainment purpose. Though this series is based on actual stories of bravery of the soldiers of the Indian Forces, the series does not claim to be a factual and accurate depiction of historical events, incidents, or figures featured in the episodes and may contain fictionalised elements. Audible fully acknowledges and respects other perspectives and viewpoints with regard to the subjects of the episodes. This series is not intended to malign, defame, or slander, or hurt, or be disrespectful to any person, place, region, country, religion, or community, or the religious sentiments, beliefs, or feelings of any person.
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