• Let's Make It Cool To Care
    Oct 5 2021
    I'm hitting y'all with a quote from the great philosopher Post Malone 😂I kid I kid...but I do love this quote and feel that it truly resonates with what I care about and what I would love Action Breeds Clarity to stand for. "Our generation thinks it's cool not to care. It's not. Effort is cool. Caring is cool. Staying loyal is cool. Try it out." This podcast is a call for action takers to lead by example and make it cool for our generation to make it cool to care...and then put action behind it. Consistently.
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    15 mins
  • Barriers, Then Breakthrough
    Sep 20 2021
    In today's episode we revisit the 5 most common regrets of the dying and tie them to 4 upper limit barriers that, Gay Hendricks talks about in his book The Big Leap. These are ways we can be held back by showing up in our lives and taking action to move toward the life calling out to us. When action is not taken, this is often what leads to regret. And, at Action Breeds Clarity - we ain't about that life!!! Don't forget to visit actionbreedsclarity.com to download your free resources!
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    30 mins
  • What's At Stake: Stats on Regret
    Sep 13 2021
    This episode is vital for those serious about living while you're alive and not waiting until it's too late to move toward what you really want out of life. VITAL. We cover some statistics and information on regret from 3 sources: https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/new-research-reveals-what-people-regret-most-of-all-5-ways-to-make-sure-you-never-do.html (A inc.com article.) https://www.huffpost.com/entry/regret-infographic_n_5529641 (A Huffington Post infographic/article) An article fromhttps://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2012/feb/01/top-five-regrets-of-the-dying ( The Guardian) Taking a close look at regret is not morbid. It should at the very least be a cautionary tale of how not to live, and at the most it is fuel for your fire to show up wholeheartedly to your life and for yourself. You got this!
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    21 mins
  • A Reintroduction
    Sep 6 2021
    Hey action takers...it's been a minute, huh? Well, as you may know, we don't believe imperfect action is anything to be ashamed about. Life is a journey, mistakes will happen, and the only failure is giving up on yourself. And, we want no part of that last one! We are BACK BABY!!! We took some time to reset, refocus, and even just rest and we're excited to start bringing you new content, new resources, and new ways to think about taking action. If you're new around here, maybe forgot about us in our hiatus, then this episode is to reintroduce us. Enjoy!
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    12 mins
  • Build Your Self-Integrity to Build Your Consistency
    Jul 5 2021
    If we had the ability to secretly follow around people who flake out on dates, meetings, calls, who don't communicate properly, and who don't follow through....we would see that 9 times out of 10 these same people show up for themselves with the same lack of commitment that they show everyone else. Lack of self-integrity is how we lose our power and energy. When we build self-integrity you can start showing up for yourself with more conviction, commitment, and integrity. This grows your personal power and allows you to move toward your goals faster, overcome obstacles more effortlessly, and stay focus on things that truly matter. That's what this episode is all about! Check it out and don't forget to download your free action workbook at freeactionchallenge.com
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    17 mins
  • Action Taking, Courage, and Fear
    Jun 28 2021
    Creating a life of meaning and joy will require you to face your fears and take courageous action. Period. For anyone starting out, taking new action, putting themselves outside their comfort zone, showing up to take their life to the next level, AND doing it to little no response....today's episode is for YOU! We cover 4 tips to stay steady in your action taking even when your work goes unnoticed or falls on deaf ears. Don't give up - listen to this podcast and download one of our free action workbooks at freeactionchallenge.com Hope this episode gives you value and fuels your action taking journey!
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    14 mins
  • The Power of Challenges
    Jun 21 2021
    Whether you're new to the Action Breeds Clarity or been around for a bit - I do want to make sure you are aware that we create free challenges through our workbooks designed for you to jumpstart new action or focus or commitment in one way or another. We have FOUR 100% free workbooks on the website right now that you could download for free TODAY at actionbreedsclarity.com YOU WILL LOVE THEM!!! On today's episode we're talking about the power of challenges and why they are an amazing tool for personal growth and achievement.
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    19 mins
  • Radical Patience Part Dos
    May 17 2021
    This episode dives deep into 4 obstacles that can come up in the middle part of the process and some suggestions to overcome them. Often when we commit to showing up for ourselves, playing bigger in the world, and taking action on our goals the excitement of the early stages wears off and we find ourselves encountering obstacles, challenges, setbacks, and disappointments. It can get tough. It can get lonely. A lot of self-doubt can pop up, it can suck to stay consistent with your habits and taking action day in and day out when you see other people drop off that said they wanted the same things too. When you have been working and working and you feel tired and your results or the outcomes you hoped for are nowhere in sight the temptation to give up or become inconsistent can get strong. This episode offers some suggestions for different practices and some different perspectives to get you through the tough times. And don't forget to go to actionbreedsclarity.com and download our free companion guides with workbooks and exercises to help you develop your best life practices because how you show up matters! Don't give up on yourself.
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    40 mins